Purple-black-rainbow LR3 🤷‍♂️ , build video @ https://youtu.be/FJ7nYio8oOE

The moveable rails is exactly what I’m doing with my LR3 build https://forum.v1e.com/t/all-the-parts-are-here-time-to-start/35496/4



If they were moved a fixed amount each time, by designing it as a unit, wouldn’t the stops take care of it (within reason of course, maybe 1/16”?)

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They would but I don’t think I would be happy with a 1/16".

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Just wondering what power supply you went with 12V or 24V?



Hello @rnormore! My V1E kit (ordered ~june 22) came with SKR pro and 12V power supply, been using that, until now…

Was curious about 24V too and recently ordered one from V1E, together with a ESP01s. Not expecting big difference in performance, 12V seems to be plenty based on info from forum long timers, for example. Arrived earlier this week, so will switch over. No barrel jack on the 24V supply, so will use existing/drill-new hole into enclosure, use grommet and hotglue/silicone for strain relief and WAGO connectors.

Will share speed test results if I do any. Cheers!


@rnormore, looks like Ryan already showed off what’s possible with 12V…

Config: {
Power: 12v,
X-Rapid: 600mm/s = 36000mm/m,
Y-Rapid: 300mm/s = 18000mm/m,
Z-Rapid: 65mm/s = 3900mm/m

Which honestly seems fast enough, makes upgrading to 24V seem pointless, but doing anyways…


I had my Primo go to 8000mm/min on X/Y planing MDF. Fun to watch, but I forgot to slow down the inertia to 45% or so, down from 85, so the whole table shuddered when it changed direction. :smiley:


Good idea, or cautionary tale in the making?


Horrible idea…should be red!


LOL, will do for my next V1E build…

I’d say cautionary tale, but those have to be written by somebody as well. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Tell us more about your good idea/cautionary tale!

He plasti-dipped the router. :smiley:

Yep I saw that, was just curious about seeing some pics of the finished project!

Genuine question: why? I have never used plastidip.

Teal Makita was clashing with the core. Issue resolved!

Also… Sharing some details on my LR3 Vac Hose setup. I appreciate the recent topics/posts by misc people going through similar experience.

@Tokoloshe shared a neat parametric Vac Hose Adapter script, can use that script as-is for many scenarios.

Unfortunately the original script was generating a model with a flange…

Made some edits:

  • Added flag for removing flange, enabling gradual width transitions with shorter overall height.
  • Added cut out to fit around lower makita mount. Making install/removal easier.

So, ended up with a mix of reused, remixed and some created parts. Shared files/details at https://github.com/aaronse/v1engineering-mods/…/vac-hose

On reflection, I could have avoided needing an adapter if I didn’t print Doug’s makita-vac-upper…stl as-is, but instead tweaked the design to fit my hose diameter, or used a different 2-1/2" hose. Next time…

Hope that helps. Cheers!


Brought LR3 indoors for more comfortable firmware tinkering.

Achieved True square square enough for Y-axis planks just using some skanky scraps cross braced using dimensions derived from fusion-sketch/math.



Config: {
Power: 12v,
X-Rapid: 283mm/s = 17000mm/m = 669"/m,
Y-Rapid: 283mm/s = 17000mm/m = 669"/m,
Z-Rapid: 43mm/s = 2600mm/m = 102"/m,
X-Size: 1200mm,
Y-Size: 600mm,
Current: default,
Steppers: V1E,
Leadscrew: V1E // 4 start

Not even close to performance of Ryan’s LR3 speed test video. My LR3 is wider, so will never match, still, am wondering whether any build/firmware edits would help?

Didn’t test/measure accuracy, or measure driver temps. Just wanted to speed test before changing to 24V power supply.

; Drag Race
M203 X17000 Y17000 Z2600  ; Set Max speeds
G28 Z                     ; home z
G92 Z80                   ; z max = 80 (instead of 200)
G28 X Y                   ; home xy
M300 S741 P250            ; 3.. 2.. 1..
M300 S0 P750
M300 S741 P270
M300 S0 P750
M300 S1500 P1000
G4 P2500                  ; Wait for 3sec beeps, minus ~0.5sec for command latency
G0 Z0 F2600               ; z min
G0 Z80 F2600              ; z max
G0 X1200 F17000           ; x max
G0 X0 F17000              ; x min
G0 Y600 F17000            ; y max
G0 Y0 F17000              ; y min
G0 X1200 Y600 Z0 F17000   ; xy max, z min
G0 X0 Y0 Z80 F17000       ; xy min, z max

Wirelessly controlled via ESP3D on V1E ESP3D/ESP01s. Created a “Drag Race” macro.

Speed testing to non destructive failure helped identify things to tweak, e.g. vac hose should be strain relief supported, and leadscrews/emt benefit from lube.


That looks pretty fast!

That is pretty close. You can add current to the drivers, and tweak the accelerations. But really…it is faster than you will ever need it to be already. I need to try that test again on video with the 24V.


LR3 docs contain a schematic with dimensions. While designing the bench, found it helpful to import that image into Fusion 360, and calibrate the size. This helped me to measure good enough dimensions between things not already called out by the schematic. For example, I wanted to know how close the router bit will get to table edge given where Y-Axis blocks are located.

Sketching the table dimensions also helped figure out how long to make cross braces to help square the rails.