MOAPVA (Mother Of All Parametric Vac Adapters) using OpenSCAD

Curious if someone(s) made something like this already, and/or also looking for a parametric adapter with similar/other features?

Previously shared ( Printables, GitHub ) a Vac Hose Adapter OpenSCAD script (based on FollyMaker’s Thingiverse script, with 2K+ remixes, :sweat_smile:) …

Recently, Philipp’s been working on an adapter for his Band Saw…

Am also looking to put adapters on various things that generate dust (Chop Saw, Table Saw, etc…), so…

Earlier today, spent some time relearning OpenScad and got this far…

Latest script lives

Added some more optional parameters for enabling Square flanges, with configurable corner hole diameter and depth. Using SquareFlangeThickness, can make through holes, or, just make recesses for magnets to be nested and glued.


Added SquareFlangeSetback optional setting…

Work Pending

  • To minimize suction loss, and enable Print without supports, maybe… Make flange tapered with configurable angles that can be tweaked for Printer overhang capability.
  • Generate a pair of male and female Adapters should be straight forward since OpenScad (like Fusion 360’s Cut operation during Join) lets you cut objects/parts out from other parts. So once we have one part nailed, make the gender opposite part should be quick…

I think @Tokoloshe’s working on a Fusion 360 model that’ll meet his Band Saw vac needs. Figured I’d share what we’re up to here, and see if someone on the forum solved this already, or wants to (?), or wants to use what we collectively end up with?

There seems to be many, many purchasable options, for example Izzy Swan’s QuickLox, now sold by MagSwitch. Personally like the rotate slightly to connect/disconnect rather than magnets. But the price seems like a lot, if I penny wise, pound foolishly ignore value of my time :man_facepalming:


Nah, it’s our time, you are doing it for the greater good. :yum:

Thanks for the credit, but I merely threw together a design that is not even complete and you again knocked it out of the park with your version. Thanks so much for contemplating every (stupid) coding idea I am throwing at you, without even knowing whether it’d work. :smile:

Neat related post Neat! - #396 by staffordj

Only using yours out of principle. :yum: