Purple-black-rainbow LR3 🤷‍♂️ , build video @ https://youtu.be/FJ7nYio8oOE

Some Endstop wiring length info for my build, with 49-1/2" (1257mm) usable cutting width.

Sharing details since I asked during my build, and @KL2001 asked similar question today.

Didn’t have this info for my build, and extended endstop wires by soldering butt connectors (fast video clip, don’t blink!). Used a mix of 3x extension wiring kits from V1E Shop and some 22AWG wiring I happened to have.

Knowing what I know now, would’ve cut the following endstop wiring lengths upfront during initial build to help save some splicing/soldering time.

End stop Length to Controller Box Total (includes 400mm for 2x Box length)
X/touchplate 1900mm 2300mm
Y1 550mm 950mm
Z1 700mm 1100mm
Y2 2000mm 2400mm
Z2 2000mm 2400mm
  • Some context/thinking behind the generous lengths mentioned above :
    • Middle column lengths are distance to closest opening on the beam mounted controller box. I used Doug Joseph’s case. Y1/Z1 enter different Box hole than X/touchplate/Y2/Z2.
    • 400mm is 2x Box length, that’s more than plenty to route within the box, expect to cut excess and throw into your misc wiring cutoff’s container. Optimized for my time over minimizing waste.
    • Included extra for Y/Z endstop wiring incase I modify YZ plates to be 100mm taller for larger Z cut capacity.
    • Included extra for X endstop (and touchplate) wiring to make wide turn within drag chain (or tape measure).
  • Used 22AWG, soldered and heatshrinked all endstops. However, for the Y endstop, wish I’d instead used decent tight spade connectors (from an autostore). The Y endstops stick out and are fragile, they’re likely to break if/when LowRider is being frequently stored/relocated.
    • Ideally, some less fragile endstops for Y axis would be nice, as a future upgrade, any recommendations? Still need alternative endstop sensor to be accurate, reliable and relatively cheap.
      Think @stevempotter uses hall effect based sensors on their MPCNC?
    • That said, I personally recommend using the documented endstops to begin with, you don’t want to introduce more variables and increase initial build frustration. Best to initially focus on getting to a good working state using stock parts. Upgrade later, LR3 will probably be a ongoing project after all…