What lengths should endstop wiring be (4’x8’ build) for folks needing to crimp/solder wiring with SKR boards? For the dupont-to-spade connected SKR-to-endstop wiring.
Didn’t see wiring length list in LowRider CNC V3 - V1 Engineering Documentation, or, on LowRider V3 Calculator - V1 Engineering Documentation if wiring length varies with build dimensions.
Currently skipping wiring of micro switch endstops for Core and Y/Z drives, until I have enough assembly done to measure actual length needed.
Initially, late night ordered kit with SKR, had enough sense to explicitly add Endstops and wiring items. But now, being several weeks later… Was stumped for a bit during Core’s microswitch step until I realized/remembered only Rambo comes with endstop wiring with spade connecters.