Plasma cutter MPCNC (Norway)

I see, guess I’ll have to shorten the cables then :thinking:

New small update.

I have made the internal wiring for endstops end steppers, and fitted the sockets.


Small update again.
Made some brackets and rails to fit the cabelchain on X/Y axis, and made brackets to fit the cabel chains to the steppers. I didnt find any i liked on thingiverse, so idesigned my own.

All stepper cables will be terminated with plugs:

3D printed brackets for fitting cable chain to steppers:

Cable chain fitted on X-axis:

Stepper wiring connected for both X-axis steppers.
Endstop wiring to go:


Long time no update (again) :roll_eyes:
As we are closing in on christmas season i figured i should get it up and running again.
Finnished terminating the plugs for steppers and end stops, end connected the end stops. The display seems to be broken, as there is missing lines no matter how short the cables are.

Also I have an issue with the endstops as shown in the below video. When triggering the endstops manually, everything works, and the end stops are in the right loctions. If I run the steppers to trigger the endstops they trigger, and if I then home the Y axis it is working like it should. However, if I run the Y axis 50mm from the endstop and then home the Y axis, it hits the stops and the steppers keep going. What could be causing this?

Is it possible you have the Y1 and Y2 endstops swapped?

I dont think so, as I tested all end stops one-by one manually. I think everything was correct by the labelling then. Of course i could have swapped the stepper cables, that i havent tested. Can the steppers be tested individually from repetier host?

Could it be that the firmware has a bogus workspace size set, and after 50mm, it’s off in never-never land? Usually, it just assumes it ran out of room and quits homing, but I suppose it’s possible it’s giving up on homing (thinking it’s run out of workspace), but never turns off the steppers. This seems odd, since the default firmware workspace size is certainly larger than 50mm, but it’s a thought.

We’re double posting here. Let’s just solve this one in your thread specific to this issue:

Agreed, posted a seperate thread as I didn’t think I would get a response this quick in an old project thread (you guys proved me wrong). Problem solved now though (swapped stepper connectors on main board), so thanks :smiley:

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Very long time and no activity from my side on the page yet again. The MPCNC is working, but I am not using it much, this again makes each use a struggle as I dont know remember how to use it :sweat_smile: Turns out i had more fun making the MPCNC than actual usecases for it :upside_down_face: It has made chips a couple of times though. I have made a nightlight for one of my nephews, some aluminium spike wheels for my robotic mower, and last weekend I made a simple doorsign for the daughter of a friend of mine. The laser engraving is done by a seperate small laser. Some pictures of the projects attached below.

I have a question for you guys though. Up until now i have been using Fusion 360 for both design and cam, but fusion is getting more and more limited on the free version so I am exploring my options. Is there any good free alternatives to fusion or should i just pay up? I have tried using estlcam for 2d cam, and this works fine. However i still need a software to do 2d designing as i have not found any good ways to export from fusion on hte free version. Is there any simple free 2d/3d design software with similiar user interface as fusion? I really love using Fusion 360, so i would hate to go from their easy to use interface to something that is a struggle to use.


I bought a plugin for Fusion called MapBoards Pro that greatly simplifies the DXF export process. I gave some details in this thread.

I’ve been investigating FreeCAD lately. There are 1.0 release candidates now. It’s definitely different than Fusion though.

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Thank you for the tips. Mapboards Pro looks like it suits many of my needs very nicely. I will also look into and possibly test FreeCad.

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