French Cleat by Toko

Cheers everyone, as promised in my Schneewittchen thread, I am going to publish the plans for the French Cleat I am building as I go along. I didn’t find good dxf’s on the Internet, so I decided to make my own. Some of the plans have not been cut yet, because I just created them. As soon as they will have been cut I am going to take pictures.
I use 10mm multiplex for most of the holders, the small boxes use 6mm thickness.

Clampholder: I cut this one, but it is a little too deep and is a little wobbly. Still works. You can see it in the picture above. Schraubzwingenhalter groß.zip (21.3 KB)

The new version, not cut yet. Schraubzwingenhalter klein (neu).zip (21.5 KB)

Screwdriver holder: Works pretty well. See big picture. (21.4 KB)

Chiselholder (now Fileholder): Holes weren’t big enough for my chisels and I can’t count to six, so I am now using it for files. New version for chisels below. (24.9 KB)

Chiselholder (New and working): Beitelhalter (24.7 KB)

For hammers: (21.1 KB)

Little boxes: I use them for screws at the moment. Kaestle (3.6 KB)

Bitholder: (23.9 KB)

Pencilholder holder. (22.2 KB)

Wrench Holder: Schraubenschlü (24.4 KB)

Tape Holder: (27.3 KB)

Folding Rule Holder: Zollstockhalter.dxf (147.9 KB)

Cordless Drill Holder: Akkuschrauberhalter.dxf (167.7 KB)

Drill Bit Holder: Bohrerhalter.dxf (144.2 KB)
No picture yet.

Bin Tray Single: BinTray Single 100x80.dxf (97.6 KB)

I also created a second version that you theoretically can reach into better (haven’t cut it yet though):
BinTray Single More Open 100x80.dxf (97.7 KB)

Bin Tray Small Double: BinTray Double More Open 2x60x48.dxf (108.9 KB)

/updated: 16.04.23


Oh, now that’s just incredible. I only have a 20x20 shop, with a wall in the center, LR2 is on the side with the computer and ‘office’ and the other 10x20 is my assembly room. And where I work on my cars too… Sometimes…

This is an awesome space saving idea! Great job!


In Germany you’d have the biggest shop I know. :smiley: Our garages aren’t that big. :stuck_out_tongue:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Well now I feel better about my shop! haha I have been thinking about removing that wall tho in the future. But I kinda like having the LR2 in the other area, while I’m working so I don’t have all that noise right in my ear holes.


Just to be clear. 20x20 feet, right?

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Yes. :slight_smile:

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Yep, 20’ by 20’, kinda split in half tho. Almost every day I regret putting that wall there tho. But I love that the LR2 is in it’s own little room tho so, meh. lol

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Thanks for the files. Been needing some better organization in the garage and this will work perfect.

Now to finish painting the garage and put up tons of cleat :grin:


Really cool to see it in another shop. If you get LibreCAD you can easily modify the pockets to fit your thickness of wood. You can also ignore the back support in Estlcam so there are no ugly holes. :blush:

For sure. First effort started basically at 11 pm and ended at midnight, I was frustrated at not being able to find tools and wanted something immediately; figured half inch was close to the size needed. Not pretty but it held the tools :slight_smile:

I used autocad 360 and modified the file for the second round and you’re right, it looks much better.

Pics or it did not happen. :stuck_out_tongue:


Moving to a house with a shop on the property is the nicest thing my wife has ever suggested.


Mine has been talking about moving as well. Her ‘key selling point’ is ‘we can find one with a shop, or you can build your own once we find a nice spot!’

She’s good. She’s real good. lol


Uploading: PXL_20211014_024817335.jpg…

Only post processing was to sand off the holding tabs. Not glued up at this point.

Nice clearance on the file, I only modified the depth.


I can’t edit the original post any more. @Ryan, can you fix this? Or give me rights to edit this thread as often and as long as I’d like? :slight_smile:

The full wall as of yet:

I don’t really use those really huge wrenches, I am not exaclty sure why I have them in the first place. I did not buy them. :smiley:

New things:
Folding Rule Holder: (24.3 KB)


Oddly enough, I do not think I can. It is a universal setting, not a per user.

Okay, nevermid. Then I will just post updates every now and then and if it is just too much I’ll open a new thread and let you delete this one. :slight_smile:

Just keep adding the new content as new updates to this thread. They’ll be easier to find. Plus I get notified to new posts on a thread, but I don’t think I get a notification if someone updates an existing post.


Today: Cordless Drill Holder: (29 KB)

The version in the pictures is a little shorter than the one uploaded because I wanted my Makita drills to fit even better, I haven’t cut the new version though.


That’s cool!