State of the art, cutting edge, French Cleat tech ideas

Seen any interesting wall mounting tool/material solutions that are easy, fast, cheap to create, modify and scale? French cleats seem like a very popular solution to this problem.

My goal is to slowly work towards an organized space. Leaning towards cleats because they seem simple and effective enough. Would consider more involved designs if they’re novel/interesting.

@Philipp has a wonderful topic and shared many great designs…

Stumbled on petesquared’s channel which takes an interesting CNC’d approach, looks like several Makers/YouTubers have partnered together to sell kits based on this design even…

There’s a bunch of cleat kits out there, including metal

Any 45 degree dovetail bit recommendations? I like the idea of using the router to carve the cleats, but that honestly seems slower and less practical that just using a table saw to carefully run wood through at 45 degrees.



You know which problem those are going to have? Dust. I attached mine to horizontal bars so that there is space behind the slats where dust can fall down. Otherwise it is going to gather at the bottom of the 45° grove and then everything you hang on it falls down because the dust pushes it up.

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Did you mean to say vertical bars because I’m not sure how the horizontal ones would be any better?

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That’s what he meant!


Yes, vertical. :sweat_smile: Whoops.