I had posted a while ago about the infamous issue where an endstop doesn’t trigger on an MPCNC built on the SKR Pro 1.2 board. I’ve come across a bunch of resistors and want to try the pullup resistor. Based on this thread, it looks like I can just solder the ends of the resistor to pins 1 and 3 for the endstop in question, but would it be possible for me to just stick the ends of the resistor into the pins of the cable I’m using? It’d be nice to not have to totally tear down the SKR and rewire it after a (hopefully successful) solder under the board.
We have threads that discuss this… for example this one:
If you go this route, do so on the underside of the board.
Just sticking them in would lead to a very poor connection, that would probably fall out over time. The better solution would be to crimp the resistor to sockets, and then using a connector housing to hold everything in place. This is what the “pigtail” method does, crimping the SIG wire and resistor together, with the other end of the resistor going to VCC. Then the SIG and GND wires go to another connector that attaches to the endstop cable connector.
Thank you so much for this! That guide is exactly what the doctor ordered.
Is there some way it could be linked from the callout in the MPCNC docs about the SKR board? That’d make a lot of lives easier and probably less of a need to repeat the answer for folks like me.