You missed the critical part…10 degrees of angle in any direction. It is not a huge deal now but might be in the future. For now, it lets the bed-printhead planes be separate from the Z endstops, bedplate. True bed leveling.
The part that impressed me is the freedom while staying constrained. so it can be at a huge angle, no binding…and also no free play/slop. Screws and springs work better than expected and I think there is no need for magnets, bearings, and optical rails.
That works…in the most basic form. It feels glorious!!!
It homes to Z max and levels to the endstops. You can set the optical endstops with positive or negative offsets. So you can manually do it all, but like we all know The BL Touch is the main goal. The BL touch should allow for the delicate leveling, and we will see if the gear reduction is actually needed or not.
Can’t wait to see a print finish and the plate move all the way down.
So… non-parallel slicing? Get into some really wonky non-planar maths, and watch the bed go all wibbly-wobbly with the coreXY head zipping around above it… :tardis: :sonic_screwdriver: :k-9:
Good to see you found the issue.
I downloaded the code and had to go take a break after poking through it for nearly an hour.
The whole thing just reinforces why I tend to write my own stuff from scratch as opposed to using massive libraries
Old question but I wanted to add my 2 cents. When I built my TimberBot core xy I tried it both ways. Using all the bolts and then only 3. It ended up not being worth it when the holes are precision cut on a cnc. So I ended up only using 1 bolt about every 100 mm.
Yeah that sounds right to me. To some degree it can help with warped extrusions…but each end and no more than 100 or so between them sounds like plenty.