Mike's MP3DP v5 build

did you have to do anything special for Peck settings for drilling?

I have mine defined as


Then I use just a regular drill function

When I run the preview, it just goes straight down…

I guess I need to check the Gcode…maybe it’s a preview problem??



(No. 1 Drill machining: Drill 1)
G00 X216.2598 Y57.2452 Z5.0000
G00 Z0.5000
G01 Z-5.3000 F120 S12000
G00 Z5.0000

That’s the whole drill segment…just straight down to 5.3mm in one go

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Change it to 1mm

I tried. Same. I’m wondering if it’s an EstlCAM 12 bug maybe

I’m going to upgrade to latest and check it again. I’m on 12.042

Edit: Nope, same behavior in 12.059 @christian-knuell

Mine did the same thing no matter what I put. It just went straight down. Might be a bug

I am 90% sure mine has been pecking, fresh install of V12 though.

I was using the latest version of V12 as well… Will have to do some more testing

Dang, looookkkksssss GREATTTTTT!!



Man those parts look SO much better than mine.

Nice looking parts! Nice seeing printer parts CNC’d from your 3D printed CNC. very cool.

Curious is your Alu measuring ~4.76mm thickness, or something else?

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I only have single digit calipers, but they are reading 4.8

And they just added an 8% coupon for the sheet I bought…

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That price isn’t too bad from what I’ve seen.

I have to say, I was already pretty impressed with what I could do with my LowRider, but definitely am more impressed now


Dang those look good!!!

If anyone was wondering, here’s a graph of the number of aluminum splinters I’ve gotten in my life…


That mess gets everywhere. And you end up bringing it in the house no matter how hard you try!

aluminum crumbs kind of suck to deal with. Hopefully it isn’t like pulling porcupine quills or cactus needles out.

The handyman’s stripper glitter. :joy:

@mbamberg I decided to make a thread detailing a lot of what I did, settings, etc.
Guide to Milling Aluminum Plates for MP3DP v5 with EstlCAM


Planning to cut my extrusion tomorrow hopefully.

Just a little note to any future planners out there…Plan your size before you buy your extrusion lol…

I originally bought a 10 pack of 800mm extrusion without really even thinking about it too hard.

A little later I realized that wasn’t going to be close to enough, so I bought another 10 pack of 700mm. But I could have just bought 1 10-pack of the 1220mm to begin with.

Luckily for me, my original 800mm pack was bought on sale, so I ended up only overspending by $15, but otherwise it could have been $50 mistake.

So plan better than me…