Jackpot CNC Control Board official release

After doing a little more research, it turns out the FlyFisher’s PP supports GRBL and I already have it installed, so I will give it a try.


So after the first review from BTT, they want to release it with their EZ drivers. I am not fond of that idea, that are rated for less current than the regular ones and adding the option for either seems like it would hinder cooling of the regular ones and add some size to the board.

Is that the EZ2209 instead of the TMC2209?

Is that just because they are trying to push them, or is there another benefit?

Yeah they did not give a reason, but I did ask for one in my reply. The specs seem to suffer considerably with the ez2209. Guessing the heat sinks are not as efficient, even though a two-sided one should be better?

Their Amazon listing says it is “enhancing the heat dissipation capacity”

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Their marketing implies there’s major problems with dumb users pricking their fingers with those nasty pins, and suffering mightily with ordinary looking. :thinking:


“We tried very hard to think of a problem that this solves, and we came up with four.”


OMG… Ordinary looking. I missed that feature.


BTT shenanigans aside, I’ve been reading up on the Jackpot today in the forums and I’m giving serious consideration to getting one. Maybe not right away, but I really like the idea of making configuration changes without recompiling firmware. I like having a Pi in my system, but it adds a level of complexity that I wouldn’t mind losing.


All joking aside, looking through their site there are some interesting tidbits scattered throughout. For example, this advisement to turn on driver power first and then turn on motherboard power. Has anyone seen that documented anywhere else in the driver data sheets or other documentation?

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Charging those caps must take a little while.

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Currently the flyfisher PP does not work.
He is planning to update but not sure when he will get to it.

Check out this post where I’ve been talking about it.

It’s easy enough to copy and paste Ryan’s starting code using note pad.


This is why I switched to the Jackpot. I use Klipper with my 3D printers and love the quick changes to the firmware. Marlin’s requirement to flash the firmware each time wore thin on me (yes I know you can make changes via eeprom but not all of them). It’s been very nice configuring macros in both Klipper and FluidNC as well.


Just had to post an update. I felt like I had been packing a bunch of Jackpots lately…
Since it was launched, the 24th it has very nearly doubled the volume of SKR’s.

Thank you all very much for the help, the support, the encouragement. I am very proud of the board and the people that helped me make it a reality.

Hopefully the next week when V1.2 gets here I will make it an official option in the bundles and make we can quadruple SKR volume in the next 9 weeks.


Any major changes since the end 1.0 board?

V1.2 adds a pull-up resistor to make all the esp32 versions work. (I hope) We did a ton of testing, I will keep testing I’m sure.


Ok, this is getting to be a little frustrating.
I’m trying to cut a simple slot 5mm wide 6mm deep (I think), but it is not working.
there is some form of movement in the X axis and I cant figure out where.

the slot is being cut with two step downs, roughing pass and finishing pass at 600mm/min.

beginning end of the slot
it is wider and there is a visible ledge.

middle of cut
Less than 5mm
ledge is gone

Near end of cut
Less than 5mm

I used a pen to draw a long rectangular box first in one direction and then the same box in the opposite direction and it traveled line for line.

So what could be causing the drift when cutting?

Finishing pass should not be going any deeper just slightly wider.

First thing to check is … Grub Screws. 95% of the time, this is the problem.

If it is not that we need to know your cutting specs. Feeds speeds, tool, ect.

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Yeah, that’s how it’s set up. So I’m not sure how the step is getting in there.
It has to be a difference between the first and second step down and then the finishing pass is shifted over.

I’ll check grub screws tomorrow morning.

Is there any reason to believe this is Jackpot related?
Should this be split into its’ own topic so it can be tracked/referenced correctly?

Did you previously have a non-jackpot setup that was working correctly and this only started after swapping to jackpot, or is this a new build?