Help develop the next MP3DP!?!

I am using 3 point on the V4 and it works great. Never tried 4. If your z tilt is working good then you should be golden on a mesh. Once you know mesh is working good I suggest using that link for the macros I posted and setup a start and end print macro. That will have it only probe where the print will be. Makes it where you can have a super close mesh and doesn’t take much time at all!

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it works for tilt correction but not for mesh?

I also use 3 point because there are only 3 points that can move. probe as close to the motor connection point as you can and it will be the most accurate.

Here are my tilt settings if it helps:

##############  BED PROBE ################################
sensor_pin: ^PB7 # BLTouch Probing input signal pin (^ means pullup)
control_pin: PB6 # SERVO pwm output pin for pin movement
x_offset: -27 # measured offset for H2V2S and hot end fan mounted bl touch
y_offset: -31
z_offset: 4.25
speed: 7.5
samples: 2
sample_retract_dist: 10
probe_with_touch_mode: True

z_positions:  -22.22,  31.75
             150, 368.3
             336.5,  31.75
speed: 150
horizontal_move_z: 10
retries: 4
retry_tolerance: 0.1 #0.04
    62, 51
    177, 295
    295, 51

Did you use KAMP, I don’t have you config anymore for some reason?

I have it all working now. The probe thing I am not sure about, might have been speed. There are a ton of different Z speeds and it seems safe Z home controls the first one, so it has to be slow enough. I am inching up so far 40mm/s works each config save I go up another 5mm/s.
Meshing at 150mm/s moves and will probably go faster as this sounds good. Probing at 3mm/s with really steady numbers so I think I will go up 1mm/s until the tilt numbers deviate and I will back down.

similar to mine, I think I used your config last. I still have that one.

######################## BIQU Microprobe ########################

[gcode_macro PROBE_DOWN]
    SET_PIN PIN=probe_enable VALUE=1

[gcode_macro PROBE_UP]
    SET_PIN PIN=probe_enable VALUE=0

[output_pin probe_enable]
pin: PA1 # Servo/control pin 
value: 0

pin: ^!PA2 # trigger pin
deactivate_on_each_sample: false
x_offset: 7 # Change the probe offsets to meet your machine requirements.
y_offset: -24
z_offset: .2
speed: 4
lift_speed: 3
samples: 2
sample_retract_dist: 6
samples_tolerance: 0.05
samples_tolerance_retries: 3
    G4 P500

###  Z Safe Home  ###

home_xy_position: 150, 150
speed: 45
#z_hop: 10
#z_hop_speed: 20

###  Z Tilt  ###

one other thing I did… not sure if it was wise or if it is an overoptimization attempt; I saved a series of bed temperature mesh scans, then I have the slicer send the temperature and in the start_print macro, it loads the bed mesh from that saved temperature mesh or the closest one to it and it doesn’t bed mesh every time it prints. That may be a bad idea, but that is what it is doing.

I mesh every time with marlin, I am definitely going to take a look at a few scans to see if I need to or not. I am in an uncontrolled environment so I figure my mesh probably moves a bit depending on the weather, that and the part optimized mesh, why not?

Getting late here, and I have lowriders to pack up tomorrow.

Button up a few bed things and a couple wires and I will get some pictures tomorrow!!

Look forward to seeing more pics.

Yeah, maybe 3 is best depending on your bed/frame twist. My goal was to minimize overall variance across the bed, and not just optimize for min variance at just the 3 probed points. For my plate’s twist (and/or the surrounding gantry/frame…), trying 4 points with looser tolerance seemed to help me end up with less variance across the entire bed, than if I did 3 point Z-Tilt. I tried both 3 and 4, but stuck with 4, using bed spring adjusters helped reduce Z–Tilt attempts too. Spent bunch of time micro-adjusting rails, gantry and frame trying to chase down twist cause(s). Based on advice from others (Jeff?) I waited for the bed to heat up for 5mins before probing, printer’s in conditioned 67F space.


Wow. Comparing variance across the mesh profiles you created by Temp would tell. Man, that’s some CNC Kitchen level attention to detail :slight_smile:

it was an impatient attempt to skim time off a print…

You don’t need KAMP anymore. Adaptive mesh is built in to Klipper.

I think you just use BED_MESH_CALIBRATE ADAPTIVE=1 or something like that


There are some settings for it too, but I just added the flag and it worked fine for me.

It will work by interpolating the size of the print compared to your normal mesh.

So if you have it configured for a 10x10 mesh, but you print is half the area of your configured mesh area, it will do a 5x5 just under the print.

The Adaptive Purge Line from KAMP can also still be pulled in and work too.

I did it right before I left and ended up with more stuff in there than I wanted, so I’ll probably consolidate and rewrite it when I get back


Adaptive was #1 on my list, exclude object could be handy although I do not have many failures these days. I have not looked at the macros yet. Seems a little over the top to not just add gcode to the slicer but when in rome…

I’m not 100% but you probably need exclude_object and the setting in the slicer to label objects.

It uses those features to be able to detect object perimeters to calculate the area for adaptive mesh

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For my Ender 3 with Bowden, it moves slow and oozes a lot…

So the idea was to get it to purge closer to the print to reduce the chance of oozing causing a problem when it has to travel from the corner all the way to the center when printing a smaller part.

I also plan to try to rewrite the Voron logo version into a V1E logo version :slight_smile:

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For you, you should try to keep as much out of the slicer as possible and have it all as a macro. That way if something changes with an update it’s an easy fix and you don’t have to reslice

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This is the way! Change one macro and any slicer you use does the same thing for you on the printer.

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what all do I need to switch over to a macro? start up levelling and shutdown stuff?

It’s basically everything that’s in your start gcode. But there are ways to make it all work a lot better and have things like adaptive mesh and all that. I found a website that makes creating the macros super simple.

I used this to make my print_start and print_end and they worked great. I had to go in and manually add a few things like go to z max but that was super simple


saved for future use


Welp one step closer to getting home. Finally off the boat!! Fly home tomorrow and hope to see some aluminum shavings in the next day or so. Also just ordered some filament to start printing parts!!

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