Fusion 360 & post processor

Update on my issues with “rubber banding” as I’m calling it that I posted a video for above…

I messed around a bunch more and found that it seems to be the arc moves that are causing the issue. I change the tool path to have sharp corners, and now the machine completes the program as I would expect it to. Does anyone know why the arc moves in the attached Rounded.gcode would be causing problems when Sharp.gcode works perfectly fine?

Rounded.gcode (637 Bytes)

Sharp.gcode (553 Bytes)

Arcs have not worked correctly since V300 of the firmware. In Estlcam you can just turn off arcs, not sure about the fusion PP.

Well it’s good to know it isn’t anything I was doing wrong at least. Do you know if the issue is being worked or if marlin plans to just drop support for arc entirely?

It is a combo of Extruders=0, junction deviation, accelerations, and arc resolution. It will get worked out, in the mean time letting the PP do the work just means a larger gcode file but no difference in the final product.

For some background arcs have been hit or miss since day one.

I guess 3D printers don’t use them much. Mostly because stls don’t support arcs, so they would only be used when doing offsets like brims or for fancy infill. If it’s not used in 3D printers, the amount of testing goes down by 1000x. Even if they fix it, it could be broken again anytime.

Yes, I agree, on older CNC Machines, arcs are used to reduce the amount of points/lines that a controller has to read so it runs faster and also when doing manual programming at the controller.

The Marlin software handles all the lines/points no problem as you are never going to being running it at say 200 IPM. Also the arc endpoints have issues as it sometimes falls between the accepted tolerance settings.

Basically for most of us here,





Here’s my update. After my term expired, I was left not be able to save anything, no gcode, no stl’s no models. I hit the big shiny subscribe button and it says go ahead and subscribe but there is a link that says if you think you qualify for free license click here. I did that, confirmed it’s for private use and for hobbyist. It said well done, you qualify. I restarted fusion and it didn’t work :frowning: - I tried it a few times and went through the subscribe process twice. I checked on my Autodesk account and I could see that in fact it had given me two free licenses however, fusion still wouldn’t let me save. I exited fusion and went about my business for 24hrs. Upon my return, PRESTO - I now have another free license phew! I tested the ability to save and all seems good again. Interestingly I do fusion team included in my license. I am not sure for how long and to be honest, I don’t use it. All I care about is the modeling works, the stls are saving (for 3d printing) and manufacturing is working. I am going to hold off with my free cad “re-learning” but keeping a close eye on things as it looks as though autodesk is working on ways to monetize the hobbyist licenses. I did notice you can now purchase add-ons with cloud credits. - Also, just for completeness, my big shiny subscribe button has disappeared now that I have the new free license up and running.


Great , Glad your Back in Fusion. try and create a new project, then add me efishnc@gmail.com, or I can add you to a project if you like, I would like to try and see how far we can still take it with the sharing features.

Hi, I’m new to CNC milling and Fusion 360. Just recently built a Lowrider with the Mini-Rambo and LCD/SD card (haven’t done anything to the firmware preloaded on both). Using F360 and MPCNC_Fusion360_V10_SDcard post processor I made a couple test jobs and they appeared to run flawless until the Z axis fell a few seconds after completing each job. I looked at the gcode and noticed “M84; Turn steppers off” was the last line. Is there away to keep the pp from creating this line?

You should be using guffys PP. It is linked here:



I started playing with F360’s post processor again last night. I had a bunch of hemispherical holes to drill and ESTLCAM was making it difficult to figure out without doing a really long 3d cut.

When I first started using the MPCNC, I started with F360 and whatever the main PP was at the time. Guffy’s PP seems to work quite a bit better. I really like how easy it was to replace the startup code with my own startup.gcode file. I’ll be playing with this some more this weekend and we’ll see how it goes.

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Anyone have any idea how to “turn off arcs” in Fusion360 pp or is this something I don’t have to worry about? I’ve been getting things post processed just fine, but have not idea what arcs even refers to so want to make sure I’m good on that end. I’m still having a bunch of issues with one of my Z’s skipping and am just itching to finally get carving.

EDIT: I’ve opened the DIYCNC_Common.js file I downloaded and got working from Guffy’s GitHub. Anyone feel like recommending what I should edit here? I’ve circled the properties I’m questioning right now.

  1. What should I set jobTravelSpeedXY and jobTravelSpeedZ to?
  2. Assuming I should set jobUseArcs to false?
  3. Also assuming I should set probeOnStart to false since I don’t have a Z probe (yet!)

1- Those numbers are in mm/min, So I prefer 2100, and 300 is okay you can go up to 450.

2- yup false


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When click on ‘Post Processing’ in your design, there’s a table in the bottom right corner with all these values. You can set them there too (although I think that sets them for just that one file).

I should have specified I’m stuck working on a Mac and the pp in Fusion seems to be a tad different than on Window so I’m forced to edit this directly in the source file.

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Are there mac instructions documented somewhere? If not, adding some instructions to the v1 community docs would be a big help.

I bookmarked this to add to the instructions but without a MAC to try it on I am not sure if this is the “right” way.

I have a mac. (and windows, and linux, and and and …) anyways…

I’ll try to get F360 installed on it and try out those instructions sometime this week. I meant to do it yesterday, but never got around to it.

I recently aquired the mac through work. I thought it’d make a great shop laptop, but I’m still working on getting all my software installed/ported over to it. So far I’ve only gotten the arduino IDE installed for flashing the mrambo :frowning:

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