Free for enthusiasts for 1 year, at the end of 1 year you can resign up for enthusiast again! This might be it, the real deal, everything all in one. It has CAD, CAM, Render, 3D Print, motion, Blender type mesh modeling. Everything all in one. I’ll be testing this out, I have already done the 2D CAM tutorial and it looks great.
I suggest you get it while it’s free, just in case!
Once you get it installed and running the tutorials are step by step walk through. The tutorial must be from a different version because the bit selection is kind of off but once you figure that out it is easy. Really nice software…just need to get that rotating axis in there so I can make another add on!
All of Autodesk’s software suites are free if you sign up with a EDU account. As a matter of fact, I don’t think you even need an edu email, you just say you’re a student…hopefully you’re and you can download anything if I remember correctly.
Wanted to start a thread on post process for fusion360. I’m starting with just getting the post process to output gcode that repeitier host can work with. So far you still have to strip out everything above the start comment and strip off the trailing space at the end of the gcode. I’ll work on stripping out all of the unused commands at some point.
Check out my video of 360Fusion post process in action.
Thanks for sharing this post processor. Just tried it out briefly with one of the CAM examples in Fusion 360. What are you using to send the g-code?
I use Pronterface, and it wants a “.gcode” file extension, where this post processor outputs a “.tap” file. This is not so important, as Pronterface can read the .tap, but then the comment syntax causes an error ("[WARNING] raw G-Code line “/” could not be parsed"). Pronterface reads comments with a semicolon “;” rather than the “/”.
I found a post processor for Marlin a while back (link not included as comment won’t post), which seemed to work reasonably well, but tried to home the machine (as a 3D printer would) at the beginning of a toolpath. I made a few adjustments so so that it zeros the machine at the start and sends it back to zero at the end. I just compared the output of your script to the one I have, and noticed some differences in the length of the file, probably just caused by using different tolerances (yours is longer, so I suppose it makes smaller moves).
I still don’t have my machine cutting yet, but have done a few simple tests with a pen, and the g-code produced by the post processor I have seems to work OK. Haven’t tested yours out, but was wondering if yours can pause for tool changes. Is that even possible on a Marlin based system? Would that depend on the g-code sender?
What are you using to send the g-code? - I’m using Repetier Host
comment syntax causes an error - working on stripping all this out.
can pause for tool changes - haven’t got that far yet; however, I know in marlin you can insert an @PAUSE command and will lift the head. Actually you can customize what the @PAUSE command can do, such as lift and move to a given x,y position.
Here’s a link to the modified post processor - I’d be happy to work with you to get a decent post processor working. I really like Fusion360 so far. Thanks for the link, I’ll check it out.
Working with the marlin.cps post process produces better gcode than the version I started on. I’m going with the marlin.cps as the base to work with. Might not have to change anything.
So I tried replying to this thread two days ago, but obviously my comment didn’t appear. Glad to hear the post processor is working for you. The onedrive link works then?
I did a few comparisons between the two and noticed a difference in file length. marlin.cps produces a shorter file with less g-codes, but I suspect this is simply due to tolerance settings.
So I suppose the next thing is to make any improvements. There are a few unnecessary codes that are produced, like setting the tool number and turning coolant on and off. Are there any codes that need adding? I thought having a way to pause the machine for a tool change would be useful, otherwise it would mean making multiple files for each different tool. How often do people change tools on the one piece?
The link works, just didn’t wait long enough (patients man patients)haha
I think the first thing I’m going to work on is tool change. Should be easy to replace the tool change code with an @PAUSE.
The @PAUSE command will run any custom script you want but by default I think it lifts the head and moves the carriage away from the work piece. I’ll do some more testing when I get some time.
I am jealous I haven’t spent any time with fusion at all. I am glad you guys are getting all the kinks worked out though. When I do get a chance to sit down with it, it should be smooth sailing! Keep up the good work!
using the supplied c code post process script I was able to make code that my machine recognized! Hurray! However the feed rate is impossibly slow. My g code is set in MM and its feed rate is .2 A line looks like this
Hi Alex,
I haven’t managed to spend much time on this recently, and I’m no expert, but I think what you need to do is check your plunge feedrate setting in Fusion 360. When you add a new toolpath, in the little sub-window, underneath the tool choice menu, it has a “Feed & Speed” menu. This is where you can set the feedrates for the chosen tool. If you have designed your own tool, then these settings can be allocated when you set the default tool values.
Make sure your plunge feedrate is set to the speed you want. In your g-code above, it appears that your movements are at 2000 mm/min, when the tool is just being positioned, but when it plunges into the material, the feedrate is set to 0.2 mm/min.
I have attached an image highlighting the option. If this is not the problem, then I’m stumped.
That was part of the problem. I think I’ve isolated the issue. the machine believes it can move the z axis up quicker than it actually can leading to a deeper next cut after each lift. I’ve discovered that if the machine is asking a stepper motor to move quicker than it can the motor makes its normal move sound followed by a short series of moves instead of one continues move.
I have set repieter host to use the proper z axis move rate (100mm/m) but that doesnt appear to have an effect once I run g code. I did a find a replace (on the g code) and changed the feed rate for returning to the clearance plane. This lead to a mostly successful run, and totally eliminated my z axis problems
I am currently editing the marlin firmware to set a lower max on the z axis rate. I’ll report back if that fixes things
And that was it. A week of struggling with software to find out that its the firmware on the ramps board that was the problem. I never checked to see if the right firmware was uploaded when i bought the kit. I downloaded the latest from the thingverse page and wam. Things working as expected.
I think the latest estlcam update to version 8+ changed something that is why I updated the firmware. These weren’t issues before. I’m sorry for the hassle but I’m glad you are up and running now. I’m doing my best to stay ahead of the issues. Everything is working much better now, chalk it up to growing pains and not spending thousands of $$$$$ on software. I’ll take a few bugs here and there over a lighter wallet any day.
Fusion360 Post process
I have a working version of the Marlin.cps modified for Fusion360.
Example output of a simple box with Face 1/2" bit, and contour 1/8" bit
Notice the M1 command for the tool change, requires user to press the button on the lcd panel to continue.
;T1 D=12.7 CR=0 - ZMIN=0 - flat end mill
;T5 D=3.175 CR=0 - ZMIN=-10 - flat end mill
N10 G90
N15 ;Units in mm
N20 G92 X0 Y0 Z0