The easiest way that I have found to do it with visual studio code, is to go to the github repo for the pendant firmware, click on the green “code” button and choose the option to download the zip. Once that is saved on your hard drive, double click on the zip file to unzip it, or however you unzip a compressed zip file. Then go to Visual Studio Code, click file, and then open folder. Browse down into the firmware folder that you unzipped, and go inside the subfolder named FluidDial, and then click open. At this point visual studio code should automatically see that there is a platformio.ini file inside that folder and it will use the instructions in that to automatically start prepping for the build. Give a few minutes for visual studio code to download and clone some repos and prep itself. When all is quiet … make sure you connect your M5 Dial to your computer using a USB cable. Then on the left side of the screen in VSCode, click on the alien face icon of platformIO. A list of tasks should appear in a panel immediately to the right of that, still on the left side of the screen. Click on build, and then, after you see success at the bottom, click on upload, and then after you see success at the bottom, click on build file system, and after you see success at the bottom and click on upload file system.
PS: the above assumes that you already have the free extension for platformIO installed in VS code.
So Great! Thank you so much this helps jog some things that I just couldn’t remember. So I shouldn’t need to do any firmware updates on the jackpot? Just the dial? I’ll do some more exploring tomorrow and let you know how it goes. Thanks again for your tireless efforts!
Whoa good to know. This is how I have mine wired up now! I noticed the contradiction and was going to look into that next. Thanks again for all your help
EDIT: I noticed the edit on the photo. Is this currently the correct wiring? I know I saw one other method but for the life of me cannot find it now!
The wiring schematic I uploaded here recently is the current wiring. It started off with a different way, and then got changed. Both versions are shown here in my thread (I think) in chronological order. The changed way is shown in my thread — at first as my own edits of the change, based on the first schematic’s appearance. The new image of the change was downloaded from the wiki.
Vetco on Northup? Down the road from me. Love that place, and Tap Plastics across the street. Tap Plastics have a nice offcuts bin with 1sqft Polycarbonate/Acrylic pieces starting at $1 depending on thickness.
Indeed! It was a bit of a drive, but worth it. Not many stores like that these days, glad they are somehow still in business. Picked up the little acrylic window for my Jackpot case from TAP for $1, although at the downtown Seattle location.
Made my wooden pendant enclosure out of a scrap piece of wood and the wiring, pics soon…
I think I missed a second section in my config.yml (the part that defines a uart channel for uart2) so still getting N/C, but should be up and running tonight, if that’s the issue…
I’ve updated my config.yaml to include the uart2 section as shown. I’m still receiving NC on my dial. Any ideas? I have double checked my config, version number and wiring and all seems to check out. I’ll double check everything tomorrow with a fresh brain as well.
Your firmware is 3.7.8 which is ancient. You need to update to 3.7.13 or higher.
I used the web installer to do this,
You’ll have to press the Boot button on your jackpot right before it flashes for this to work, that step was weirdly not documented when I did it last.
(Also you probably need to copy over the index tar.gz file as appropriate. Skip the Webui 3 for now, it was broken for me at least)