I just tried 423 non dual (the push I just saw that you made) but it didn’t solve the issue for me. Does that build solve it on your end?
What is the LCD delay used for that it could cause the screen to lock and blank out like that?
I just tried 423 non dual (the push I just saw that you made) but it didn’t solve the issue for me. Does that build solve it on your end?
What is the LCD delay used for that it could cause the screen to lock and blank out like that?
I think I have it. That was the unpushed edits…it seemed to work but a few minutes later it blanks out. I think I have it, I am just deleting all that stuff and testing right now.
I only have time for a few more trys, flashing this board takes forever. If I can’t get it you can just use one of my previous releases (they are tagged and worked fine) and I will get help from Ultimachine tomorrow.
No problem, I don’t need the solution tonight. I can survive with it plugged into a USB for a little while, or try a previous release. Do what you need to, fix it when you can, I am happy just knowing its being worked on.
I won’t have time to flash anything else until tomorrow evening anyway, so take what time you need.
Okay we have been at it all day.
I have been changing other things but now, with what seems to be the exact same firmware, I can’t get the issue to happen. Neither of us can.
Can you try the one I just uploaded (same build number), archim1 series…have not touched the dual yet.
Minor update…Jason from Ultimachine got P.io working now as well.
I just tested it and it is good. The other issues seems to be with Arduino, so we just tried to go to platform.io as a back since marlin is not supporting arduino ide anymore.
Here are the instructions if you have never done it.
I will have to add (tomorrow) the steps for an Archim. Before you hit upload, hold reset for 5 seconds, then rest the board, give it a few seconds to boot and then hit upload…pretty easy actually once P.io is installed.
I just built and flashed the non-Dual version (445) with Platform.io and left it running for 20 minutes (after I disconnected it, and power cycled), and it hasn’t shut off yet. Its just one try, and only 20 minutes, but its promising. (I will test a bit more tomorrow, for longer periods)
I appreciate all of the time and effort you put in to fixing this problem.
Out of curiosity, what was the underlying problem that caused the issue? You mentioned an LCD delay, what is its role that it would have caused an issue like this?
No, I am still having an issue and Jason was finally able to recreate it so now we will see what the genius figures out…I have no idea how the heck this is happening.
I let mine sit over night and came into a blank screen, if I just reset it after that it blanked in a few minutes. If I power cycle it lasts longer, that has to be a clue.
@thedevilsjester glad it wasn’t just me! Here’s my thread from where I had the same problem last week.
New multipurpose build in Kansas - Plasma/Router/Laser
I have the same issue with it locking the board up after every flash and having to erase it.
I think we figured it out. We had to reverse a change we made about a year back. I have had two boards running all day after a few manual resets one just sitting one running gcode. Both still good.
I will update github in a hour of two.
Sorry, thinkyhead just pushed a marlin archim fix so now I am updating again. The current version works with platform.io, I think the fix we made will make arduino work again. All that to say I am uploading a new version now 425…but it includes some other updates so please poke around a bit and let me know if it has any new issues
Trying to make this more permanent.
@Crash85 Its always good to know that it wasn’t something you did wrong, or bad hardware. I was relieved when Ryan could duplicate the issue on his end.
@vicious1 I will try this out today., I am hoping to have my MPCNC functional (maybe draw the crown?) this weekend!
This is why I love the forums and have to email so many people back with “please use the forums you can not possibly be the only one with this question”.
I take all comments and questions seriously, even if some are a bit annoying to me, I do strive to improve and if I want to actually improve something or just stop hearing certain complaints, I do what I can.
Thanks for all the work and updates! Just downloaded what looks like 425D? Gonna give that a shot.
First upload using arduino ide didn’t work. Gave me the flash page locked error. Did the ole erase and reset, second upload worked great. Popped up with the V1 CNC Ready message.
Unplugged the USB cable, so far so good. I can navigate the menus without feezing.
I have noticed this though (with the old firmware and the new) if you click on “No Media” when you don’t have an SD card inserted into the LCD, it reboots the board. Not sure if that is an intended feature or not.
Well, I did not intend for that to happen but I did notice it on my end. As far as I know that is not a setting I missed so that is a bug for another day. Thank you though I will keep that on the to-do list.
@vicious1 I am not sure if its related to this change or not, but when I compile with Platform.io my stepper motors will no longer move. They make a noise like they want to, but they don’t turn. This doesn’t seem to be the case with Arduino IDE.
I was wondering how I got lucky on this one. Cut a 611 plate a little while ago. Then I remembered I was plugged in to USB the whole time. Thanks guys!
Crap crappity crap.
I will have another look.