Flashing the Archim1?

In my endeavors to build this MPCNC I have run into a few issues with flashing the board:

First: The links on v1 engineering marlin-firmware section that say “Use this link for Archim (series) or Archim (Dual) boards (for now).” simply 404.

Second: On GitHub, the “Understanding the Versions” section does not match up with the actual version branches. For example: Given “Machine_Controller_ZAxis_LCD_Other”, it should be MPCNC_Archim1_* but all I can find for Archim1 is V1CNC_Archim1 and V1CNC_Archim1_Dual.

Third: When trying to compile V1CNC_Archim1 and V1CNC_Archim1_Dual (I assume these are the correct firmware for the MPCNC Archim?) on Mac I get a “libsam_sam3x8e_gcc_rel.a: No such file or directory” error

Its also a bit unclear if the Archim1 was supposed to come with firmware flashed on it or not; but since all I got was a blank blue screen on the LCD, I assume it was not? Which firmware is correct for the Archim1, w/Dual Stop, w/LCD?

Is there something I am missing, or a better process for this?

If you bought the board from me with a series kit or series wires it is flashed and you probably just have your LCD plugged in backwards.

As for the rest of it, sue the V1CNC branch for your board, there should be no others. The firmware is moving fast again so either I update, flash, and test or edit all the pages and posts. Unfortunately I can’t keep up right now with all of it. The Docs pages and firmware page is able to take users edits if you have a few minutes to submit something to clear it up.

I do not flash dual firmware if that is the kit you ordered as it needs editing for each machine and is labeled advanced for that reason.

I am unclear to that error as I have never used a MAC, did you load the ultimachine link in the flashing instructions?

I do have the Dual Stop kit (though I don’t necessarily need to configure that yet).

I found a Windows machine and managed to run the firmware flashing process that you have outlined on there (it appeared to have worked this time), and this is the output:

Sketch uses 220508 bytes (42%) of program storage space. Maximum is 524288 bytes.
Atmel SMART device 0x285e0a60 found
Erase flash
done in 0.031 seconds

Write 224156 bytes to flash (876 pages)

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done in 75.367 seconds

Verify 224156 bytes of flash

[                              ] 0% (0/876 pages)
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Verify successful
done in 48.608 seconds
Set boot flash true
CPU reset.

There are 4 possible configurations for the LCD plugs. Two of those don’t light up the screen at all. One of them lights up the screen, but thats it.

The final configuration that I have actually shows the V1 logo and then the Marlin splash screen. Usually after the splash screen it goes to a blank screen; but every once in awhile it shows an information screen that says: Error: EEPROM Version

I don’t have anything hooked up to the board except power and the LCD. Is there a step I am missing?

The eeprom error is fine you an clear it with M501 then M500

Ok, a bit of progress: when it does come up with an info screen (its every 3 out of 5 times I turn it on) I am able to navigate the menus and I performed the EEPROM reset option in the menu. The Error went away and now it says V1 CNC at the bottom of the info screen.

The problem is that after a few seconds to a minute, no matter what I am doing, or what menus I am in it will revert to the blank screen until I power cycle or reset it. (It will still go blank screen from the start about 2 of 5 times I turn it on)

More information, in an effort to debug the issue, I found out that it does not turn off if I have it plugged into a PC (or any powered USB port), but within 10 seconds after unplugging the USB, the screen blanks.

I saw a similar post on the forums where a simple reflashing of the firmware solved the problem, this doesn’t solve my problem.

I am using the power supply that came with the kit that I bought from the v1 shop.

I have it hooked up as shown: (Red + , Black - )

You sound like your in the same boat as me try plugging the usb in and see if everything work. in my case everything will work fine as long as i have it plugged in to my computer i was just about to reflash my board till i found this post.

Okay I will have a look today. This is very odd but a few of you are seeing this issue now (one was non-genuine boards).

UltiMachine lists the Recommended Power Supply
I tried another power supply with the same rating, and had the same problem. I then looked at the UltiMachine listing for the Archim 1 and it says:

Recommended Power supply 12V-24V DC, 16A+.

The power supplied in the kit is:

12V AC, 6A

Is it simply that the power supply is insufficient to power the Archim 1 and the LCD?

No, that rating includes a heated bed and hot end. We use under 2A easily.

I use an archim normally but my build is torn apart to test the new one. It has to be a firmware setting.

Yup confirmed mine is blanking after a bit. I am trying to add delays, if that does not work I will update to today’s marlin build to see if that fixes it (but I can’t test the new ARC settings that were just pushed).

the delay fixes it, but I am testing few settings.

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I am glad it’s not just me, or some fundamental hardware issue.

Thank you for looking into this.

Okay, try this one, 422.

I updated the archim’s, rambo’s, and mini.

It doesn’t seem to have worked. I am using version 422D (I also tried the non-Dual)

I flashed both versions multiple times, and the problem persists.

I did, however, notice that once flashed, if I just unplugged the PC, it would stay on (I only waited for ~10 mins, but it always failed in seconds before hand). A power cycle brings the issue back.

I am not sure if this is indicative of a problem, but I always have to Erase & Reset before each flash because the software states that the flash page is locked.

Crap…I kept lowering the timing I must have went to far. I flashed so many times I was working on getting the scrolling correct in the end. Shoot. Leaving a note to do it again in the AM. You can try upping the LCD delay I added to 250 (#3), I am pretty sure that was fine. If that is not you can add a duplicate and change it to #2

Can you try the non dual just in case that is the one I was working with directly.

OMG…I did not push the edits at all. I updated and then did not push the timing edits

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