Config.yaml review and suggestions


As noted in another section posting, I’m trying to get my JL1 laser machine operational again. I have replace the failed Laser modules with a LaserTree LT-40W-aa and the controller board with the FluidNC TMC2099 Pen/Laser board from Bart.

I have spent a bunch of time trying to get the config.yaml file to actually do something with this hardware and so far have only succeeded in learning a WHOLE bunch about yaml, FluidNC config codes, tried several different config files. So far, I still have a paperweight.

So here are two files, one is the config.yaml and the second is the report I get when I restart the machine and it reads the config.

FluidNC (1.8 KB)

Both files are in the zip.

Any suggestions?


So in your log i see
MSG:ERR: X Axis TMC driver not detected - expected 0x21 got 0x0]
[MSG:ERR: Y Axis TMC driver not detected - expected 0x21 got 0x0]

Look at uart. I believe your gpio is wrong.

txd_pin: gpio.22
rxd_pin: gpio.21
rts_pin: NO_PIN
cts_pin: NO_PIN
baud: 115200
mode: 8N1


I knew it was something I missed while moving between various config files. I’ve made the change, but i need to get the JL1 back over to my computer. My new printer arrived and I’m playing with it (Elegoo Neptune 4 Pro).

I’ll get to back working on the laser after dinner.


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I’m following along. Looks like you have the config file sorted out.
Let me know if there’s anything I can help with as you proceed.

Well the “after dinner” team didn’t get anywhere yet. I still get the “Driver not found” message for both axes.

I’m about ready to connect the Jackpot and see what it can do. the alternative is to move the EPS32 from the jackpot to the Pen/Laser and see if I can get it to at least wiggle.

Edit: ah, no it would take too much changing of connectors to get the boards switched.

There needs to be a better repository of known good board/use case config.yaml files.

Did you get any different error messages after you made those changes?

Taking another look at the differences that I see:

TMC2209 Pen version has this:

  shared_stepper_disable_pin: gpio.13

Where your config has this:

  shared_stepper_disable_pin: gpio.13:high

Is there a reason you made this disable pin be active high?

Similarly, in your config:

      limit_neg_pin: NO_PIN
      limit_pos_pin: gpio.36:low 
      direction_pin: gpio.12
      step_pin: gpio.14

Why did The limit pos pin change active states, and step/direction GPIO change?

Also, there are similar changes in the Y axis GPIOs compared to the TMC2209_PEN.yaml.

I’ve just compared everything in MakerJim’s yaml to the standard TMC2209 Pen/Laser yaml.

I have changed all of Jim’s to match the standard pins on the Pen/Laser board.

It still gives me the missing drivers message.

It’s 10:30 heading to bed.


So if i read this correctly, Fluidnc pen/laser board - #8 by Waspjr

He was getting that because of power supply for steppers not connected. Not sure though.

I was having some issues you have to have the ac power hooked up.
And also you have to unlock the steppers with a $H I believe before they will do anything.
I have mine on a sand table it works I just haven’t had time to get my end stops I fired out.
Supra Dave has helped me and I have all the info just no time for it rn it seems and it’s also kinda working so I don’t want to mess with it till winter or fall. If you want I can get my file off and maybe send it somehow

Sorry for the long post, I did the following:

  1. powered the board
  2. Connected the USB and started FluidTerm
  3. Uploaded the JimJL1.yaml
  4. Rebooted the MCU with the CTRL-R key

I still have errors with the board powered.

Latest YAML which is the one from MakerJim, with changes for the Pen/Laser gpio pins.

board: Jackpot TMC2209
name: JL1_Laser
meta: 08-27-2023 MakerJim

planner_blocks: 32

  engine: RMT
  idle_ms: 250
  pulse_us: 2
  dir_delay_us: 1
  disable_delay_us: 0
  txd_pin: gpio.22
  rxd_pin: gpio.21
  rts_pin: NO_PIN
  cts_pin: NO_PIN
  baud: 115200
  mode: 8N1

  shared_stepper_disable_pin: gpio.13
    steps_per_mm: 40.000
    max_rate_mm_per_min: 9000.000
    acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 200.000
    max_travel_mm: 220
    soft_limits: false
      cycle: 1
      positive_direction: true
      mpos_mm: 220
      feed_mm_per_min: 300.000
      seek_mm_per_min: 1500.000
      settle_ms: 500
      seek_scaler: 1.100
      feed_scaler: 1.100
      limit_neg_pin: NO_PIN
      limit_pos_pin: gpio.33:high
      limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
      hard_limits: false
      pulloff_mm: 4.000
        uart_num: 1
        addr: 0
        cs_pin: NO_PIN
        r_sense_ohms: 0.110
        run_amps: 0.300
        hold_amps: 0.200
        microsteps: 8
        stallguard: 0
        stallguard_debug: false
        toff_disable: 0
        toff_stealthchop: 5
        toff_coolstep: 3
        run_mode: StealthChop
        homing_mode: StealthChop
        use_enable: false
        direction_pin: gpio.12
        step_pin: gpio.26
        disable_pin: NO_PIN
    steps_per_mm: 40.000
    max_rate_mm_per_min: 9000.000
    acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 200.000
    max_travel_mm: 280
    soft_limits: false
      cycle: 2
      positive_direction: false
      mpos_mm: 0
      feed_mm_per_min: 300.000
      seek_mm_per_min: 1500.000
      settle_ms: 500
      seek_scaler: 1.100
      feed_scaler: 1.100
      limit_neg_pin: NO_PIN
      limit_pos_pin: gpio.32
      limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
      hard_limits: false
      pulloff_mm: 4.000
        uart_num: 1
        addr: 1
        cs_pin: NO_PIN
        r_sense_ohms: 0.110
        run_amps: 0.600
        hold_amps: 0.400
        microsteps: 8
        stallguard: 0
        stallguard_debug: false
        toff_disable: 0
        toff_stealthchop: 5
        toff_coolstep: 3
        run_mode: StealthChop
        homing_mode: StealthChop
        use_enable: false
        step_pin: gpio.14
        direction_pin: gpio.25
        disable_pin: NO_PIN

  miso_pin: gpio.19
  mosi_pin: gpio.23
  sck_pin: gpio.18

  cs_pin: gpio.5
  card_detect_pin: NO_PIN
  frequency_hz: 20000000

  must_home: false

  safety_door_pin: NO_PIN
  reset_pin: NO_PIN
  feed_hold_pin: NO_PIN
  cycle_start_pin: NO_PIN
  macro0_pin: NO_PIN
  macro1_pin: NO_PIN
  macro2_pin: NO_PIN
  macro3_pin: NO_PIN  


  pwm_hz: 5000
  output_pin: gpio.27
  enable_pin: gpio.17
  disable_with_s0: false
  s0_with_disable: true
  tool_num: 100
  speed_map: 0=0.000% 1000=100.000%
  off_on_alarm: true

Latest reboot messages:

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
ho 0 tail 12 room 4
entry 0x400805e4

[MSG:INFO: FluidNC v3.7.8]
[MSG:INFO: Compiled with ESP32 SDK:v4.4.4]
[MSG:INFO: Local filesystem type is spiffs]
[MSG:INFO: Configuration file:JimJL1.yaml]
[MSG:INFO: Machine JL1_Laser]
[MSG:INFO: Board Jackpot TMC2209]
[MSG:INFO: UART1 Tx:gpio.22 Rx:gpio.21 RTS:NO_PIN Baud:115200]
[MSG:INFO: SPI SCK:gpio.18 MOSI:gpio.23 MISO:gpio.19]
[MSG:INFO: SD Card cs_pin:gpio.5 detect:NO_PIN freq:20000000]
[MSG:INFO: Stepping:RMT Pulse:2us Dsbl Delay:0us Dir Delay:1us Idle Delay:250ms]
[MSG:INFO: Axis count 3]
[MSG:INFO: Shared stepper disable gpio.13]
[MSG:INFO: Axis X (0.000,220.000)]
[MSG:INFO:   Motor0]
[MSG:INFO:     tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:0 CS:NO_PIN Step:gpio.26 Dir:gpio.12 Disable:NO_PIN R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO:  X Pos Limit gpio.33]
[MSG:INFO: Axis Y (0.000,280.000)]
[MSG:INFO:   Motor0]
[MSG:INFO:     tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:1 CS:NO_PIN Step:gpio.14 Dir:gpio.25 Disable:NO_PIN R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO:  Y Pos Limit gpio.32]
[MSG:INFO: Axis Z (-1000.000,0.000)]
[MSG:INFO:   Motor0]
[MSG:ERR: X Axis TMC driver not detected - expected 0x21 got 0x0]
[MSG:ERR: Y Axis TMC driver not detected - expected 0x21 got 0x0]
[MSG:INFO: Kinematic system: Cartesian]
[MSG:INFO: Laser Ena:gpio.17 Out:gpio.27 Freq:5000Hz Period:8191]
[MSG:INFO: Using spindle Laser]
[MSG:INFO: STA SSID is not set]
[MSG:INFO: AP SSID FluidNC IP mask channel 1]
[MSG:INFO: AP started]
[MSG:INFO: WiFi on]
[MSG:INFO: Captive Portal Started]
[MSG:INFO: HTTP started on port 80]
[MSG:INFO: Telnet started on port 23]

Grbl 3.7 [FluidNC v3.7.8 (wifi) '$' for help]

I think I may have to drop out and hope someone else can help you.

I did find this, but you need to log in to get the yaml and pinout:

That is the board you have, correct???

Can you post a pic of your board ?
There was two versions of it iirc. I am by no means any kind of expert on this but is your setup a corexy? And I could try and get you the yaml I am using for this board.

Also you have confirmed you have the correct cable bc you have connection I have seen some of those usb cables are just for power not data.
But you having linked I think that’s not the problem.

Still TMCs drivers not detected with 0x0. Interesting. On that board, the TMCs are integrated and not in sockets, so they can’t be incorrectly installed.

Can you post a picture of your setup as it is, including the wiring connected to your board?

This feels like the TMCs aren’t getting power for some reason.

And this is the pin map I used:

I’m studying your picture.

Is something going on with C21? Is there damage to the top of the part?


It’s a bit of missing paint, but the cap looks fine, no swelling, or burst edges. Thanks for looking so closely.

I have downloaded several of those pin maps and the one I just downloaded looks different in some way. I’ll go through it and see if there is something I missed or misunderstood.


Okay, I see that there were several (I’ve lost count, actually), Different pin description images, and they are a little different relative to the schematic, also posted on EDA.

One more time through the yaml, line by line and we’ll see if I can get it right.

To answer a question in a post above: This is a Cartesian system, not CoreXY, one stepper for each axis, homing in the positive direction for X and the negative for Y. Both limit switch are wired NC as we do for all the V1 machines.

I’ll let you know if I make any notable progress.
Mike B.


If I understand the schematic, VMOT is the same voltage as the input power. Do you think the board can supply the Laser directly off the VMOT, or should I provide a separate 12v to the laser (which is what I have at the moment).

I don’t think that pen laser board has an output that can source sufficient current to power the laser.

I currently have my Jackpot/JL1 setup using power I routed directly from the power supply to the laser.
That works fine, but isn’t best practice.

The better practice would be to use an enable pin with a suitable SSR or high side switched MOSFET to switch power going from the PS to the laser. The reason is that if your PWM pin ever fails high, then your laser might get stuck on at full power- a fire and laser light safety issue.