I’ve put the remixed parts out on Printables. It’s my Improved Manual Z-mechanism witih a new slide_rail/backplate and a couple of bushings.
May i ask, how do you use it? Do you measure height prior to removal and always set to that height? Or is there an aiming procedure?
Are you talking of the Z-lift mechanism? If so, adjust/set the laser’s focal distance to some convenient value (50mm - 55mm) and then measure the distance from bottom edge of laser housing to the material surface where it’s focused. Cut a dowel, print a block, etc. to that length to use as a gauge block. Then when material is placed under the laser, adjust the Z-lift to just fit the gauge block between bottom of laser housing and material surface. Quick and easy way to focus…
Here I use a printed block (50mm)…
Is that what you were asking?
– David
Yes thank you
I learned a great deal on this forum. Great job everyone
QUESTION : what are these stepping motors on the jl1 ?? Nema 17’s ?
again , great job all
Yes, they are Nema17 steppers…
I want to use my laser printer to make pcb’s with hole drilling.
Will this cheap laser do the job ? (I doubt it) - If not what laser module will do the job ?
It won’t “drill” holes for you but it can certainly be used to create traces and pads in a “mask” of some sort (paint, tape, ?) and then chemically etched.
How much power (watts) do I need to : PCB Laser Drilling, Etching and Cutting With Single Process
George, there is a lot of info on the internet about making PCB’s… a quick search for “PCB Laser Drilling, Etching and Cutting With Single Process” turns up a lot of links that should help get you started. I don’t think anybody here is actually making PCB’s exclusively with a laser… though I’m sure there are folks doing isolation-routing with a router.
Lasers come in different sizes/types/power and all have limitations when it comes to materials and operations it can handle. This little $79 machine is one of the “least” of these and is really suitable only for light engraving duties on non-metallic materials.
– David
I went back to the quick search I did and immediately found a YT video with the exact search terms you specified… obviously you’ve seen it
Only a couple of comments on the video but one reply says…
“… this kind of laser is a fiber 1064nm type with a x table axis and fiber laser is scanned with a galvanometer head”
– David
With this post I presented a way to do 2-“color” glass engraving using my litte 2.3W Eleksmaker laser module…
so I decided to see if I could duplicate the process using the $79 Cenoz laser engraver.
Flat-white paint on glass is lasered with iconic JD label to give black/dark markings on glass…
White paint is completely removed with acetone. Black tempera paint applied and lasered to give frosted marking on glass… registration is crucial…
Tempera paint removed with water and dish-soap…
The black markings are not as black and distinct as the original ones above. I’m not yet sure whether it’s a paint/coating thing and/or possibly not finding/using optimal speed/power settings (I used the same setttings as for my 2.3W laser) for this laser. The process is still valid however… I need to do a couple of NWT test grids using the Cenoz laser to see if I can get a better result.
– David
You’re welcome.
For others who may be wondering… with so little clearance behind those lower holes, I made flanged bushings to allow mounting from the large upper holes. The bushings go behind the X-carriage plate and 5mm hardware to fasten…
– David
So for $79 this seams like a no brainer addition to the machine arsenal, however it is out of stock and I’m skeptical it will reappear at that price (next cheapest option appears to be significantly higher even on aliexpress).
I have looked at open source plans for something similar but they do not seem as elegantly simple as this. Anyone have a link for a diy equivalent or should I try to lay one out, it looks like it’s only v-slot and three plates to hold the wheels & motors plus belt clip / tensioners?
My other thought is to hack a laser mount for zen-xy v2 (I am drawn to core-xy mechanisms.)
Not terribly impressed with the included laser module, I’ve been playing with different laser modules on our $79 machine. Here I’m using a little Banggood 2.3W laser to do a test tile and image… lasered and before paint removal
Paint removed… best black seems to be 1000mm/min and 100%…
Image lasered leave dark, muddy/sooty, image before paint removal…
Paint removed leaves pretty good image of my “warrior buddy” on horseback…
Different laser… Neje 4W(?) laser with friend’s logo…
A little printed frame and stand to dress up the tile edges…
The included laser module kinda works but leaves a lot to be desired so I chopped off the funky connector and soldered on (with 63/37 leaded, of course… ) a 3-wire pigtail and now it’s pretty simple to swap out a lot of different laser modules. Just keep up with which of the black wires match up to the red/black/yellow (+12V/Gnd/PWM) wires of the old laser before you chop off the connector
– David
My lil cenoz just burnt my logo i created the other day
2000 speed 50 burn
Did i need a logo, no, but hey why not.
79 bucks sure is alot of fun, thanks again for the heads up and work!!
Nice! Keep up the good work. I’ve replaced the original laser module with a little Banggood 2.3W laser and am getting a bit nicer results with it… it is fun, isn’t it?
1000 mm/min, 100% power, 300 dpi, Atkinson… it’s sooty, before paint removal. I keep a small personal fan gently blowing over the worksurface to clear the smoke/soot away from the lens to avoid fouling…
After complete paint removal with acetone… then washed with dish soap, like a dish…
– David
Yes it is. But did i need something else at this time, no probably not, most likely not, but now i have it
If nothing else, this stuff keeps me off the streets at night and away from ladyfriends who like to frolic…
– David