Z Likes to Bury Itself in the Workpiece

At ropes end… I’ve perused the forum for suggestions and solutions and even implemented some, but still have the problem with the Z-axis plopping into the workpiece.

From the closeup picture of the workpiece, you can see where it successfully did a hole cut, 2mm deep. It’s then supposed to go back to the beginning, drop down another 2mm and make it deeper. But notice where it just dug into the wood (left hole, ignore the right). I’m thinking that the z-motor is being disabled and the vibration from the tool is letting the z-axis slide down.

I used Estlcam V12 to produce the G-Code… After the g-code was created, I added a disable Z Idle “M18 Z S0” to the top, but didn’t seem to help. Line 250 is where the Z is picked up after completing the first pass, then it moves to the new X/Y coords for the second pass and Z drops down 3.5mm with two commands. But the drop is at least 10mm and probably would have dropped farther if not for the vacuum dust shroud. Below is the G-Code. System wouldn’t let me attach it. (was also going to add a pic of my machine, but newbies only get one pic upload)

Stepper isn’t getting hot (but I put a fan on it anyway). I swapped out the Z stepper for the X to see if it was a bad stepper, but that didn’t help.

Using ESTLCam V12.1028
repetierHost to push G-Code to SKR Pro 1.2

Thanks for any input,

;Project CuttingBoard_S_Quad
;Created by Estlcam version 12 build 12.102
;Machining time about 00:33:13 hours

G92 X0 Y0 Z0
M03 S18000
G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000 Z0.0000 F1200
G00 Z4.0000 F

; Disable Z Idle
M18 Z S0 

;No. 1: Pocket 1
G00 X122.4299 Y10.5231 F1200
G00 Z0.5000 F
G01 Z0.0000 F300 S18000
G01 X123.4299 Z-1.0000 F300
G01 X122.4299 Z-2.0000 F300
G01 X132.1443 F600
G01 X132.5928 Y11.5974 F600
G01 X132.6476 Y11.7931 F600
G01 X115.4106 F600
G01 X112.9295 Y12.2702 F600
G01 X109.1323 Y13.0631 F600
G01 X133.0031 F600
G01 X133.2525 Y13.9536 F600
G01 X133.3265 Y14.3331 F600
G01 X103.2317 F600
G01 X98.8562 Y15.3030 F600
G01 X97.5644 Y15.6031 F600
G01 X133.5742 F600
G01 X133.8220 Y16.8731 F600
G01 X92.0973 F600
G01 X91.1089 Y17.1027 F600
G01 X86.8033 Y18.1431 F600
G01 X133.9974 F600
G01 X134.1702 Y19.4131 F600
G01 X81.6002 F600
G01 X76.5257 Y20.6831 F600
G01 X134.3286 F600
G01 X134.4448 Y21.9531 F600
G01 X71.5634 F600
G01 X66.7288 Y23.2037 F600
G01 X66.6563 Y23.2231 F600
G01 X134.5609 F600
G01 X134.6486 Y24.1823 F600
G01 X134.6657 Y24.4931 F600
G01 X61.9053 F600
G01 X58.6932 Y25.3517 F600
G01 X57.2061 Y25.7631 F600
G01 X134.7358 F600
G01 X134.8058 Y27.0331 F600
G01 X52.6151 F600
G01 X50.9383 Y27.4969 F600
G01 X48.1319 Y28.3031 F600
G01 X134.8755 F600
G01 X134.9057 Y29.5731 F600
G01 X43.7106 F600
G01 X43.6059 Y29.6031 F600
G01 X39.4735 Y30.8431 F600
G01 X134.9360 F600
G01 X134.9663 Y32.1131 F600
G01 X35.3241 F600
G01 X31.3117 Y33.3831 F600
G01 X134.9743 F600
G01 X134.9683 Y34.6531 F600
G01 X27.5343 F600
G01 X25.5917 Y35.3124 F600
G01 X23.9617 Y35.9231 F600
G01 X134.9623 F600
G01 X134.9571 Y37.0258 F600
G01 X134.9518 Y37.1931 F600
G01 X20.6966 F600
G01 X18.5349 Y38.1404 F600
G01 X17.9905 Y38.4631 F600
G01 X134.9110 F600
G01 X134.8702 Y39.7331 F600
G01 X16.6101 F600
G01 X15.9526 Y40.9519 F600
G01 X15.9335 Y41.0031 F600
G01 X134.8294 F600
G01 X134.8139 Y41.4845 F600
G01 X134.7667 Y42.2731 F600
G01 X15.4569 F600
G01 X15.1137 Y43.1874 F600
G01 X15.0151 Y43.5431 F600
G01 X134.6907 F600
G01 X134.6146 Y44.8131 F600
G01 X14.6628 F600
G01 X14.3199 Y46.0495 F600
G01 X14.3128 Y46.0831 F600
G01 X134.5330 F600
G01 X134.4195 Y47.3531 F600
G01 X14.0449 F600
G01 X13.7769 Y48.6231 F600
G01 X134.3060 F600
G01 X134.1924 Y49.8931 F600
G01 X13.5327 F600
G01 X13.3273 Y51.1631 F600
G01 X134.0461 F600
G01 X133.8905 Y52.4331 F600
G01 X13.1220 F600
G01 X13.0026 Y53.1713 F600
G01 X12.9374 Y53.7031 F600
G01 X133.7350 F600
G01 X133.6698 Y54.2349 F600
G01 X133.5504 Y54.9731 F600
G01 X12.7819 F600
G01 X12.6263 Y56.2431 F600
G01 X133.3451 F600
G01 X133.1397 Y57.5131 F600
G01 X12.4799 F600
G01 X12.3664 Y58.7831 F600
G01 X132.8955 F600
G01 X132.6275 Y60.0531 F600
G01 X12.2529 F600
G01 X12.1393 Y61.3231 F600
G01 X132.3596 F600
G01 X132.3525 Y61.3566 F600
G01 X132.0096 Y62.5931 F600
G01 X12.0577 F600
G01 X11.9817 Y63.8631 F600
G01 X131.6573 F600
G01 X131.5586 Y64.2187 F600
G01 X131.2155 Y65.1331 F600
G01 X11.9057 F600
G01 X11.8585 Y65.9217 F600
G01 X11.8430 Y66.4031 F600
G01 X130.7389 F600
G01 X130.7197 Y66.4542 F600
G01 X130.0623 Y67.6731 F600
G01 X11.8022 F600
G01 X11.7614 Y68.9431 F600
G01 X128.6819 F600
G01 X128.1375 Y69.2657 F600
G01 X125.9758 Y70.2131 F600
G01 X11.7206 F600
G01 X11.7153 Y70.3804 F600
G01 X11.7101 Y71.4831 F600
G01 X122.7107 F600
G01 X121.0807 Y72.0937 F600
G01 X119.1381 Y72.7531 F600
G01 X11.7041 F600
G01 X11.6981 Y74.0231 F600
G01 X115.3607 F600
G01 X111.3483 Y75.2931 F600
G01 X11.7061 F600
G01 X11.7364 Y76.5631 F600
G01 X107.1989 F600
G01 X103.0664 Y77.8030 F600
G01 X102.9618 Y77.8331 F600
G01 X11.7666 F600
G01 X11.7969 Y79.1031 F600
G01 X98.5405 F600
G01 X95.7341 Y79.9092 F600
G01 X94.0573 Y80.3731 F600
G01 X11.8666 F600
G01 X11.9366 Y81.6431 F600
G01 X89.4663 F600
G01 X87.9792 Y82.0545 F600
G01 X84.7671 Y82.9131 F600
G01 X12.0067 F600
G01 X12.0238 Y83.2239 F600
G01 X12.1115 Y84.1831 F600
G01 X80.0161 F600
G01 X79.9435 Y84.2025 F600
G01 X75.1090 Y85.4531 F600
G01 X12.2276 F600
G01 X12.3437 Y86.7231 F600
G01 X70.1467 F600
G01 X65.0722 Y87.9931 F600
G01 X12.5022 F600
G01 X12.6750 Y89.2631 F600
G01 X59.8691 F600
G01 X55.5635 Y90.3034 F600
G01 X54.5751 Y90.5331 F600
G01 X12.8504 F600
G01 X13.0982 Y91.8031 F600
G01 X49.1081 F600
G01 X47.8161 Y92.1032 F600
G01 X43.4407 Y93.0731 F600
G01 X13.3459 F600
G01 X13.4199 Y93.4525 F600
G01 X13.6692 Y94.3431 F600
G01 X37.5401 F600
G01 X33.7429 Y95.1360 F600
G01 X31.2618 Y95.6131 F600
G01 X14.0248 F600
G01 X14.0796 Y95.8088 F600
G01 X14.5281 Y96.8831 F600
G01 X24.2425 F600
G01 X24.3220 Y97.3526 F600
G01 X27.7926 Y96.7651 F600
G02 X55.6733 Y90.7669 I-106.1312 J-561.1077 F600
G01 X63.7085 Y88.8253 F600
G01 X71.8858 Y86.7788 F600
G02 X103.2006 Y78.2600 I-227.2868 J-897.3147 F600
G01 X109.9735 Y76.2278 F600
G01 X116.0370 Y74.3085 F600
G01 X121.2409 Y72.5423 F600
G01 X125.4201 Y70.9766 F600
G01 X128.3553 Y69.6903 F600
G01 X129.6964 Y68.8954 F600
G01 X130.3331 Y68.1741 F600
G01 X131.1543 Y66.6518 F600
G01 X132.0119 Y64.3663 F600
G01 X132.8154 Y61.4695 F600
G01 X133.5303 Y58.0812 F600
G02 X135.2897 Y41.5064 I-124.2086 J-21.5656 F600
G02 X135.1236 Y24.1475 I-150.6889 J-7.2387 F600
G01 X134.7724 Y20.3060 F600
G01 X134.3004 Y16.8382 F600
G01 X133.7162 Y13.8436 F600
G01 X133.0435 Y11.4408 F600
G01 X132.3544 Y9.7902 F600
G01 X131.8747 Y9.0967 F600
G01 X131.0089 Y9.0161 F600
G01 X128.1887 Y9.2120 F600
G01 X124.0558 Y9.7648 F600
G01 X118.8798 Y10.6410 F600
G02 X90.9991 Y16.6393 I106.1312 J561.1077 F600
G01 X82.9639 Y18.5808 F600
G01 X74.7865 Y20.6274 F600
G02 X43.4718 Y29.1462 I227.2950 J897.3440 F600
G01 X36.6989 Y31.1784 F600
G01 X30.6354 Y33.0976 F600
G01 X25.4315 Y34.8638 F600
G01 X21.2523 Y36.4296 F600
G01 X18.3171 Y37.7159 F600
G01 X16.9760 Y38.5108 F600
G01 X16.3393 Y39.2320 F600
G01 X15.5181 Y40.7543 F600
G01 X14.6605 Y43.0399 F600
G01 X13.8570 Y45.9366 F600
G01 X13.1421 Y49.3250 F600
G02 X11.3827 Y65.8998 I124.2042 J21.5652 F600
G02 X11.5487 Y83.2587 I150.6890 J7.2387 F600
G01 X11.9000 Y87.1002 F600
G01 X12.3720 Y90.5679 F600
G01 X12.9562 Y93.5625 F600
G01 X13.6289 Y95.9654 F600
G01 X14.3180 Y97.6159 F600
G01 X14.7977 Y98.3095 F600
G01 X15.6635 Y98.3900 F600
G01 X18.4837 Y98.1941 F600
G01 X22.6165 Y97.6413 F600
G01 X24.3220 Y97.3526 F600
G01 X24.2425 Y96.8831 F600
G00 Z4.0000 F
G00 X122.4299 Y10.5231 F1200
G00 Z-1.5000 F
G01 Z-2.0000 F300
G01 X123.4299 Z-3.0000 F300
G01 X122.4299 Z-4.0000 F300
G01 X132.1443 F600
G01 X132.5928 Y11.5974 F600
G01 X132.6476 Y11.7931 F600
G01 X115.4106 F600
G01 X112.9295 Y12.2702 F600
G01 X109.1323 Y13.0631 F600
G01 X133.0031 F600
G01 X133.2525 Y13.9536 F600
G01 X133.3265 Y14.3331 F600
G01 X103.2317 F600
G01 X98.8562 Y15.3030 F600
G01 X97.5644 Y15.6031 F600
G01 X133.5742 F600
G01 X133.8220 Y16.8731 F600
G01 X92.0973 F600
G01 X91.1089 Y17.1027 F600
G01 X86.8033 Y18.1431 F600
G01 X133.9974 F600
G01 X134.1702 Y19.4131 F600
G01 X81.6002 F600
G01 X76.5257 Y20.6831 F600
G01 X134.3286 F600
G01 X134.4448 Y21.9531 F600
G01 X71.5634 F600
G01 X66.7288 Y23.2037 F600
G01 X66.6563 Y23.2231 F600
G01 X134.5609 F600
G01 X134.6486 Y24.1823 F600
G01 X134.6657 Y24.4931 F600
G01 X61.9053 F600
G01 X58.6932 Y25.3517 F600
G01 X57.2061 Y25.7631 F600
G01 X134.7358 F600
G01 X134.8058 Y27.0331 F600
G01 X52.6151 F600
G01 X50.9383 Y27.4969 F600
G01 X48.1319 Y28.3031 F600
G01 X134.8755 F600
G01 X134.9057 Y29.5731 F600
G01 X43.7106 F600
G01 X43.6059 Y29.6031 F600
G01 X39.4735 Y30.8431 F600
G01 X134.9360 F600
G01 X134.9663 Y32.1131 F600
G01 X35.3241 F600
G01 X31.3117 Y33.3831 F600
G01 X134.9743 F600
G01 X134.9683 Y34.6531 F600
G01 X27.5343 F600
G01 X25.5917 Y35.3124 F600
G01 X23.9617 Y35.9231 F600
G01 X134.9623 F600
G01 X134.9571 Y37.0258 F600
G01 X134.9518 Y37.1931 F600
G01 X20.6966 F600
G01 X18.5349 Y38.1404 F600
G01 X17.9905 Y38.4631 F600
G01 X134.9110 F600
G01 X134.8702 Y39.7331 F600
G01 X16.6101 F600
G01 X15.9526 Y40.9519 F600
G01 X15.9335 Y41.0031 F600
G01 X134.8294 F600
G01 X134.8139 Y41.4845 F600
G01 X134.7667 Y42.2731 F600
G01 X15.4569 F600
G01 X15.1137 Y43.1874 F600
G01 X15.0151 Y43.5431 F600
G01 X134.6907 F600
G01 X134.6146 Y44.8131 F600
G01 X14.6628 F600
G01 X14.3199 Y46.0495 F600
G01 X14.3128 Y46.0831 F600
G01 X134.5330 F600
G01 X134.4195 Y47.3531 F600
G01 X14.0449 F600
G01 X13.7769 Y48.6231 F600
G01 X134.3060 F600
G01 X134.1924 Y49.8931 F600
G01 X13.5327 F600
G01 X13.3273 Y51.1631 F600
G01 X134.0461 F600
G01 X133.8905 Y52.4331 F600
G01 X13.1220 F600
G01 X13.0026 Y53.1713 F600
G01 X12.9374 Y53.7031 F600
G01 X133.7350 F600
G01 X133.6698 Y54.2349 F600
G01 X133.5504 Y54.9731 F600
G01 X12.7819 F600
G01 X12.6263 Y56.2431 F600
G01 X133.3451 F600
G01 X133.1397 Y57.5131 F600
G01 X12.4799 F600
G01 X12.3664 Y58.7831 F600
G01 X132.8955 F600
G01 X132.6275 Y60.0531 F600
G01 X12.2529 F600
G01 X12.1393 Y61.3231 F600
G01 X132.3596 F600
G01 X132.3525 Y61.3566 F600
G01 X132.0096 Y62.5931 F600
G01 X12.0577 F600
G01 X11.9817 Y63.8631 F600
G01 X131.6573 F600
G01 X131.5586 Y64.2187 F600
G01 X131.2155 Y65.1331 F600
G01 X11.9057 F600
G01 X11.8585 Y65.9217 F600
G01 X11.8430 Y66.4031 F600
G01 X130.7389 F600
G01 X130.7197 Y66.4542 F600
G01 X130.0623 Y67.6731 F600
G01 X11.8022 F600
G01 X11.7614 Y68.9431 F600
G01 X128.6819 F600
G01 X128.1375 Y69.2657 F600
G01 X125.9758 Y70.2131 F600
G01 X11.7206 F600
G01 X11.7153 Y70.3804 F600
G01 X11.7101 Y71.4831 F600
G01 X122.7107 F600
G01 X121.0807 Y72.0937 F600
G01 X119.1381 Y72.7531 F600
G01 X11.7041 F600
G01 X11.6981 Y74.0231 F600
G01 X115.3607 F600
G01 X111.3483 Y75.2931 F600
G01 X11.7061 F600
G01 X11.7364 Y76.5631 F600
G01 X107.1989 F600
G01 X103.0664 Y77.8030 F600
G01 X102.9618 Y77.8331 F600
G01 X11.7666 F600
G01 X11.7969 Y79.1031 F600
G01 X98.5405 F600
G01 X95.7341 Y79.9092 F600
G01 X94.0573 Y80.3731 F600
G01 X11.8666 F600
G01 X11.9366 Y81.6431 F600
G01 X89.4663 F600
G01 X87.9792 Y82.0545 F600
G01 X84.7671 Y82.9131 F600
G01 X12.0067 F600
G01 X12.0238 Y83.2239 F600
G01 X12.1115 Y84.1831 F600
G01 X80.0161 F600
G01 X79.9435 Y84.2025 F600
G01 X75.1090 Y85.4531 F600
G01 X12.2276 F600
G01 X12.3437 Y86.7231 F600
G01 X70.1467 F600
G01 X65.0722 Y87.9931 F600
G01 X12.5022 F600
G01 X12.6750 Y89.2631 F600
G01 X59.8691 F600
G01 X55.5635 Y90.3034 F600
G01 X54.5751 Y90.5331 F600
G01 X12.8504 F600
G01 X13.0982 Y91.8031 F600
G01 X49.1081 F600
G01 X47.8161 Y92.1032 F600
G01 X43.4407 Y93.0731 F600
G01 X13.3459 F600
G01 X13.4199 Y93.4525 F600
G01 X13.6692 Y94.3431 F600
G01 X37.5401 F600
G01 X33.7429 Y95.1360 F600
G01 X31.2618 Y95.6131 F600
G01 X14.0248 F600
G01 X14.0796 Y95.8088 F600
G01 X14.5281 Y96.8831 F600
G01 X24.2425 F600
G01 X24.3220 Y97.3526 F600
G01 X27.7926 Y96.7651 F600
G02 X55.6733 Y90.7669 I-106.1312 J-561.1077 F600
G01 X63.7085 Y88.8253 F600
G01 X71.8858 Y86.7788 F600
G02 X103.2006 Y78.2600 I-227.2868 J-897.3147 F600
G01 X109.9735 Y76.2278 F600
G01 X116.0370 Y74.3085 F600
G01 X121.2409 Y72.5423 F600
G01 X125.4201 Y70.9766 F600
G01 X128.3553 Y69.6903 F600
G01 X129.6964 Y68.8954 F600
G01 X130.3331 Y68.1741 F600
G01 X131.1543 Y66.6518 F600
G01 X132.0119 Y64.3663 F600
G01 X132.8154 Y61.4695 F600
G01 X133.5303 Y58.0812 F600
G02 X135.2897 Y41.5064 I-124.2086 J-21.5656 F600
G02 X135.1236 Y24.1475 I-150.6889 J-7.2387 F600
G01 X134.7724 Y20.3060 F600
G01 X134.3004 Y16.8382 F600
G01 X133.7162 Y13.8436 F600
G01 X133.0435 Y11.4408 F600
G01 X132.3544 Y9.7902 F600
G01 X131.8747 Y9.0967 F600
G01 X131.0089 Y9.0161 F600
G01 X128.1887 Y9.2120 F600
G01 X124.0558 Y9.7648 F600
G01 X118.8798 Y10.6410 F600
G02 X90.9991 Y16.6393 I106.1312 J561.1077 F600
G01 X82.9639 Y18.5808 F600
G01 X74.7865 Y20.6274 F600
G02 X43.4718 Y29.1462 I227.2950 J897.3440 F600
G01 X36.6989 Y31.1784 F600
G01 X30.6354 Y33.0976 F600
G01 X25.4315 Y34.8638 F600
G01 X21.2523 Y36.4296 F600
G01 X18.3171 Y37.7159 F600
G01 X16.9760 Y38.5108 F600
G01 X16.3393 Y39.2320 F600
G01 X15.5181 Y40.7543 F600
G01 X14.6605 Y43.0399 F600
G01 X13.8570 Y45.9366 F600
G01 X13.1421 Y49.3250 F600
G02 X11.3827 Y65.8998 I124.2042 J21.5652 F600
G02 X11.5487 Y83.2587 I150.6890 J7.2387 F600
G01 X11.9000 Y87.1002 F600
G01 X12.3720 Y90.5679 F600
G01 X12.9562 Y93.5625 F600
G01 X13.6289 Y95.9654 F600
G01 X14.3180 Y97.6159 F600
G01 X14.7977 Y98.3095 F600
G01 X15.6635 Y98.3900 F600
G01 X18.4837 Y98.1941 F600
G01 X22.6165 Y97.6413 F600
G01 X24.3220 Y97.3526 F600
G01 X24.2425 Y96.8831 F600
G00 Z4.0000 F
G00 X122.4299 Y10.5231 F1200
G00 Z-3.5000 F
G01 Z-4.0000 F300
G01 X123.4299 Z-5.0000 F300
G01 X122.4299 Z-6.0000 F300
G01 X132.1443 F600
G01 X132.5928 Y11.5974 F600
G01 X132.6476 Y11.7931 F600
G01 X115.4106 F600
G01 X112.9295 Y12.2702 F600
G01 X109.1323 Y13.0631 F600
G01 X133.0031 F600
G01 X133.2525 Y13.9536 F600
G01 X133.3265 Y14.3331 F600
G01 X103.2317 F600
G01 X98.8562 Y15.3030 F600
G01 X97.5644 Y15.6031 F600
G01 X133.5742 F600
G01 X133.8220 Y16.8731 F600
G01 X92.0973 F600
G01 X91.1089 Y17.1027 F600
G01 X86.8033 Y18.1431 F600
G01 X133.9974 F600
G01 X134.1702 Y19.4131 F600
G01 X81.6002 F600
G01 X76.5257 Y20.6831 F600
G01 X134.3286 F600
G01 X134.4448 Y21.9531 F600
G01 X71.5634 F600
G01 X66.7288 Y23.2037 F600
G01 X66.6563 Y23.2231 F600
G01 X134.5609 F600
G01 X134.6486 Y24.1823 F600
G01 X134.6657 Y24.4931 F600
G01 X61.9053 F600
G01 X58.6932 Y25.3517 F600
G01 X57.2061 Y25.7631 F600
G01 X134.7358 F600
G01 X134.8058 Y27.0331 F600
G01 X52.6151 F600
G01 X50.9383 Y27.4969 F600
G01 X48.1319 Y28.3031 F600
G01 X134.8755 F600
G01 X134.9057 Y29.5731 F600
G01 X43.7106 F600
G01 X43.6059 Y29.6031 F600
G01 X39.4735 Y30.8431 F600
G01 X134.9360 F600
G01 X134.9663 Y32.1131 F600
G01 X35.3241 F600
G01 X31.3117 Y33.3831 F600
G01 X134.9743 F600
G01 X134.9683 Y34.6531 F600
G01 X27.5343 F600
G01 X25.5917 Y35.3124 F600
G01 X23.9617 Y35.9231 F600
G01 X134.9623 F600
G01 X134.9571 Y37.0258 F600
G01 X134.9518 Y37.1931 F600
G01 X20.6966 F600
G01 X18.5349 Y38.1404 F600
G01 X17.9905 Y38.4631 F600
G01 X134.9110 F600
G01 X134.8702 Y39.7331 F600
G01 X16.6101 F600
G01 X15.9526 Y40.9519 F600
G01 X15.9335 Y41.0031 F600
G01 X134.8294 F600
G01 X134.8139 Y41.4845 F600
G01 X134.7667 Y42.2731 F600
G01 X15.4569 F600
G01 X15.1137 Y43.1874 F600
G01 X15.0151 Y43.5431 F600
G01 X134.6907 F600
G01 X134.6146 Y44.8131 F600
G01 X14.6628 F600
G01 X14.3199 Y46.0495 F600
G01 X14.3128 Y46.0831 F600
G01 X134.5330 F600
G01 X134.4195 Y47.3531 F600
G01 X14.0449 F600
G01 X13.7769 Y48.6231 F600
G01 X134.3060 F600
G01 X134.1924 Y49.8931 F600
G01 X13.5327 F600
G01 X13.3273 Y51.1631 F600
G01 X134.0461 F600
G01 X133.8905 Y52.4331 F600
G01 X13.1220 F600
G01 X13.0026 Y53.1713 F600
G01 X12.9374 Y53.7031 F600
G01 X133.7350 F600
G01 X133.6698 Y54.2349 F600
G01 X133.5504 Y54.9731 F600
G01 X12.7819 F600
G01 X12.6263 Y56.2431 F600
G01 X133.3451 F600
G01 X133.1397 Y57.5131 F600
G01 X12.4799 F600
G01 X12.3664 Y58.7831 F600
G01 X132.8955 F600
G01 X132.6275 Y60.0531 F600
G01 X12.2529 F600
G01 X12.1393 Y61.3231 F600
G01 X132.3596 F600
G01 X132.3525 Y61.3566 F600
G01 X132.0096 Y62.5931 F600
G01 X12.0577 F600
G01 X11.9817 Y63.8631 F600
G01 X131.6573 F600
G01 X131.5586 Y64.2187 F600
G01 X131.2155 Y65.1331 F600
G01 X11.9057 F600
G01 X11.8585 Y65.9217 F600
G01 X11.8430 Y66.4031 F600
G01 X130.7389 F600
G01 X130.7197 Y66.4542 F600
G01 X130.0623 Y67.6731 F600
G01 X11.8022 F600
G01 X11.7614 Y68.9431 F600
G01 X128.6819 F600
G01 X128.1375 Y69.2657 F600
G01 X125.9758 Y70.2131 F600
G01 X11.7206 F600
G01 X11.7153 Y70.3804 F600
G01 X11.7101 Y71.4831 F600
G01 X122.7107 F600
G01 X121.0807 Y72.0937 F600
G01 X119.1381 Y72.7531 F600
G01 X11.7041 F600
G01 X11.6981 Y74.0231 F600
G01 X115.3607 F600
G01 X111.3483 Y75.2931 F600
G01 X11.7061 F600
G01 X11.7364 Y76.5631 F600
G01 X107.1989 F600
G01 X103.0664 Y77.8030 F600
G01 X102.9618 Y77.8331 F600
G01 X11.7666 F600
G01 X11.7969 Y79.1031 F600
G01 X98.5405 F600
G01 X95.7341 Y79.9092 F600
G01 X94.0573 Y80.3731 F600
G01 X11.8666 F600
G01 X11.9366 Y81.6431 F600
G01 X89.4663 F600
G01 X87.9792 Y82.0545 F600
G01 X84.7671 Y82.9131 F600
G01 X12.0067 F600
G01 X12.0238 Y83.2239 F600
G01 X12.1115 Y84.1831 F600
G01 X80.0161 F600
G01 X79.9435 Y84.2025 F600
G01 X75.1090 Y85.4531 F600
G01 X12.2276 F600
G01 X12.3437 Y86.7231 F600
G01 X70.1467 F600
G01 X65.0722 Y87.9931 F600
G01 X12.5022 F600
G01 X12.6750 Y89.2631 F600
G01 X59.8691 F600
G01 X55.5635 Y90.3034 F600
G01 X54.5751 Y90.5331 F600
G01 X12.8504 F600
G01 X13.0982 Y91.8031 F600
G01 X49.1081 F600
G01 X47.8161 Y92.1032 F600
G01 X43.4407 Y93.0731 F600
G01 X13.3459 F600
G01 X13.4199 Y93.4525 F600
G01 X13.6692 Y94.3431 F600
G01 X37.5401 F600
G01 X33.7429 Y95.1360 F600
G01 X31.2618 Y95.6131 F600
G01 X14.0248 F600
G01 X14.0796 Y95.8088 F600
G01 X14.5281 Y96.8831 F600
G01 X24.2425 F600
G01 X24.3220 Y97.3526 F600
G01 X27.7926 Y96.7651 F600
G02 X55.6733 Y90.7669 I-106.1312 J-561.1077 F600
G01 X63.7085 Y88.8253 F600
G01 X71.8858 Y86.7788 F600
G02 X103.2006 Y78.2600 I-227.2868 J-897.3147 F600
G01 X109.9735 Y76.2278 F600
G01 X116.0370 Y74.3085 F600
G01 X121.2409 Y72.5423 F600
G01 X125.4201 Y70.9766 F600
G01 X128.3553 Y69.6903 F600
G01 X129.6964 Y68.8954 F600
G01 X130.3331 Y68.1741 F600
G01 X131.1543 Y66.6518 F600
G01 X132.0119 Y64.3663 F600
G01 X132.8154 Y61.4695 F600
G01 X133.5303 Y58.0812 F600
G02 X135.2897 Y41.5064 I-124.2086 J-21.5656 F600
G02 X135.1236 Y24.1475 I-150.6889 J-7.2387 F600
G01 X134.7724 Y20.3060 F600
G01 X134.3004 Y16.8382 F600
G01 X133.7162 Y13.8436 F600
G01 X133.0435 Y11.4408 F600
G01 X132.3544 Y9.7902 F600
G01 X131.8747 Y9.0967 F600
G01 X131.0089 Y9.0161 F600
G01 X128.1887 Y9.2120 F600
G01 X124.0558 Y9.7648 F600
G01 X118.8798 Y10.6410 F600
G02 X90.9991 Y16.6393 I106.1312 J561.1077 F600
G01 X82.9639 Y18.5808 F600
G01 X74.7865 Y20.6274 F600
G02 X43.4718 Y29.1462 I227.2950 J897.3440 F600
G01 X36.6989 Y31.1784 F600
G01 X30.6354 Y33.0976 F600
G01 X25.4315 Y34.8638 F600
G01 X21.2523 Y36.4296 F600
G01 X18.3171 Y37.7159 F600
G01 X16.9760 Y38.5108 F600
G01 X16.3393 Y39.2320 F600
G01 X15.5181 Y40.7543 F600
G01 X14.6605 Y43.0399 F600
G01 X13.8570 Y45.9366 F600
G01 X13.1421 Y49.3250 F600
G02 X11.3827 Y65.8998 I124.2042 J21.5652 F600
G02 X11.5487 Y83.2587 I150.6890 J7.2387 F600
G01 X11.9000 Y87.1002 F600
G01 X12.3720 Y90.5679 F600
G01 X12.9562 Y93.5625 F600
G01 X13.6289 Y95.9654 F600
G01 X14.3180 Y97.6159 F600
G01 X14.7977 Y98.3095 F600
G01 X15.6635 Y98.3900 F600
G01 X18.4837 Y98.1941 F600
G01 X22.6165 Y97.6413 F600
G01 X24.3220 Y97.3526 F600
G01 X24.2425 Y96.8831 F600

; Z UP and Home X/Y
G00 Z20.0000 F
G28 X Y

What lead screws do you have?

G90 - that absolute not relative mode isn’t it?

It was a kit purchased from V1 about a year and half ago. You can just barely see it on the backside of the tool sled.

The G90 is something Estlcam added. Never tried G91, but will do if peps think it’ll help. I have loads of old plywood to play with… :wink:

Z does not have a speed set f300 i have not used estlcam in forever but it may be a problen with1800 as the speed

A couple of things that I have noticed:

In your starting code, you use M03 18000. Marlin correct syntax is M3 (not M03). Unless you are somehow controlling the router ON/OFF and speed from the controller (uncommon, unless you are using a spindle instead of a router), you shouldn’t need this section of code. This is not related to the issue at hand, but you could probably remove this from the starting gcode.

The M18 Z S0 is unnecessary, and I think that the proper syntax is M18 S0 (disables ALL stepper timoeouts),

This is where the first cut begins, and the Z axis drops from 4mm to 0.5 mm. Note the missing F speed, which means that it is using the previously specified 1200 mm/min, It looks like you haven’t defined a Z rapids speed (in EsltCAM). You may want to set your Z travel (rapid) speeds to a number lower than your X and Y travel speeds.

Then it drops down from 0.5 to -1. and then to -2, ramping the X motion as it does. The next set of lines are the pocketing at Z= -2mm, until…

This is where the pocketing at -2 mm finishes, then it raises the Z axis to 4 mm (again with no defined travel speed), then travels back to the original starting position.

Now it drops down to -1.5 (at undefined G00 Z travel speed again), then lowers to -2 mm, then ramps down to -3 and then -4 mm, where it starts to pocket again at z= -4 mm.

At this point it should continue to pocket until it finishes a second pocketing pass, and then should repeat the process a third time at -6 mm…

Judging from the picture you posted, it’s kind of hard to see what happened, but is the deeper area below the 4mm cut possibly another void in the plywood (like the one on the right side of the picture)?

Did the bit possibly slip in the collet?

Did the router go so deep that it jammed and started skipping steps, or did you just stop the cut when you saw the deeper hole?

What happens if you re-start the cut (edit the gcode to remove everything after the start code and before the section where it starts the second pocketing cut)?

Maybe do another cut from the beginning (in a fresh part of the stock), and post a video where it starts the second pocketing pass.

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No, you don’t want to do that

Collet didn’t slip, the bit is snug in the router.

The deeper area is definitely more than 4mm, just measured and it’s more like 12-14mm. When it finished the first pass, I watching it very carefully (past experience) and as soon as I saw that it was dropping way past the designated -4mm, I hit the kill switch.

I’ll give the edited code a try (including the speed set for travel). I’m also going to try something other than EstlCAM.

My next test, I’ll also put a camera on it.


Bit of an update… I followed suggestions above, special attention to the z movement and things are working much better now. I’ve done a few tests and z is behaving. Some more complex stuff this weekend.

Thx for the help

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OK, spoke too soon. I did a bit of work on my grandson’s pinewood derby car with success. Then went back to my cutting board project. First thing I needed to do was do some surfacing.

CuttingBoard_S_Surface.gcode (1.3 KB)

This gcode has only two z-axis movements (besides the start and end). It’s supposed to drop only 0.5 mm and move back and forth over the workpiece. After beginning correctly and moving about 5 cm (from line 20: G01 X277.4802 F600), it started burying itself in the workpiece until the surfacing cutter bogged down and stopped. Good thing I was close and could pull the plug.

I’m at a loss. And no, the bit didn’t slip loose from the collet.

Thx for any suggestions

did you make your z axis “0” at the top of your piece?

Yes, I have a clip I put on the bit and a steel piece that is 1mm thick which I drop the z down on, triggering the z-stop.

BTW… It dug into the workpiece about 4mm before I pulled the plug.

I used to have this issue, I became convinced that it was simply the tool dragging itself into the work piece and not a deliberate (if odd) action from the code.
In the end I switched to trochoidal milling and that fixed it.
I also suspect making the movement on z as stiff as you can get away with to dampen the vibrations getting to the motor might help.

What stepper motors are you using? It sounds like they aren’t holding properly.

What Max Current settings are you using? Have you tried bumping them up (a small amount - 0.9A max)

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My understanding is if you don’t specify a feed rate for a move it uses the last one.

So here you’ve got a Z move at a feed rate of F1200? That could cause lost steps I think.


Maybe the same issues as here?

Is this also a Makita router?. …trying to find a pattern…

D’oh… Your probably absolutely positively right. New tool and I didn’t update the Z feed rates. Lesson definitely learned.

BTW, it’s a Harbor Freight Hercules Trim Router.

Thanks all, your the greatest.

To be on the safe side I limited the z-speed in the FluidNC config file on my LR4. My understanding is that no matter what z-speed you (accidentely) set in the g-code - it will be kept in safe regions by the max z speed in the configfile.

480 should be your limit for the Rapid z moves, and 360-400 mm/min max for z axis apeed (cutting). With the amps at 0.800 your machine should not fail

The SKR Pro, power supply, steppers, motors and wiring were all purchased as a package from V1. Can I assume that the amperage to the motors is correct, or do I need to get into the code, adjust, recompile and flash the SKR?
