I’m using the jackpot controller and it’s really nice. I was able to connect to fluidnc easily and I can jog the cnc no problem.
Homing for X and Y is also working and my limit switches work fine for squaring.
Z axis homing bugs me though. Z axis goes up and down ok, but when I hit Z homing, it goes up until the core goes off. I was expecting it to go down when homing so I can use the probe to detect workpiece.
Since jogging up and down is ok, I’m guessing the direction is ok, but how is the homing supposed to work? Am I supposed to add a limit switch at the upper position?
Homing and Probing are 2 different functions. The MPCNC does not have an endstop to home Z. For probing you want to run G38.2 Z-80 F100 and that will make Z go down until it touches the probe. Easiest way to do that is to go to the milling basics page and include the Start, end and tool change G code in Estlcam and it will do it when you start a job.
In FluidNC Webui there is a probe panel as well if you want to just try it out, or type G38.2 Z-80 F100 in the console and it will do it as well. Best practice is to add it to the start Gcode so you don’t have to remember to do it each time
@vicious1 Didn’t you take Z-homing out of the MPCNC config after I fingered all the buttons and had the same problem? (Though I knew there was no Z homing.)