What would you want to see in a new lowrider build?

New section?

A new X axis, I hope. Promising, but I am only at step one.

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Keep going, I want a lr build this summer. My mpcnc is just not what I want. I want to do big things! :wink:


Hopefully Iā€™ll have a garage by the time the new one comes out.


Sure it doesnā€™t sound like much, but whatā€™s your microstepping set to?


Me too!! I think you have beta tested pretty much all of the CNCā€™s right?

It is set to, no screwing around, not even to mow the lawn mode! git er done.
Literally woke up this morning thinkingā€¦I need to move the screw holes 0.75mm to make it easier for people to customize it. I have a lot of challenges ahead but the wild idea I had seems to be working so far so that is much more fun and interesting to me that a slight redesign of the LR2.


Exciting, can`t wait. :grin:

Iā€™ve been thinking about this question for some time, and Iā€™d really like it not to come out till Iā€™ve fired my last one up! :smiley:

It looks as though Iā€™m going to have all my added bits up on PrusaPrinters before Iā€™ve actually made anything on the machine, which I think makes me one of those people who have an unfinished sailing boat in their front yard for their whole life. <sigh!>

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What sort of timeline are we talkingā€¦I feel like I am still making forward progress. Once I get this part sorted out I would consider myself to be at least halfway done.

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Canā€™t you have a small nuclear accident or something just to slow things up for me?

Thanks to the not cheap but terribly speedy post to Aus, I have your package of gear (complete with the stuff I accidentally ordered double, because everyone needs knives working in tandem) and I even have some projects in the pipeline.

Maybe Christmas! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Iā€™ll keep messing with this plasma cutter, maybe I will shock myself.

Well how about this. You should be able to use most the stuff from the last build, anything needed should be inexpensive to add. Trying hard to make it as compatible as possible yet open to tweaking!


I canā€™t wait until youā€™re far enough along to start dropping teaser pics.

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I think I might have seen a tease on the Instagram account. Could be wrong thoughā€¦

What, whoā€™s instagram? Mine, that could be anythingā€¦but it could be something. :face_with_peeking_eye:

I can tell you I printed parts last night and pulled them off the printer this morning and they are looking better than expected. I started going down a path that was just getting super complicated and frustrating. I took a step back and tried a different way. The new way just felt better, probably looks better, and allows for some off the wall options.


Comeon man, dont do that, say nothin or say everythin with pics, LOL

Ohhhhh the test parts are niiiiiice



Off the wall options are my favorite :heart:

I think itā€™s pretty safe to assume he is designing an automatic tool changer for $200 that will just bolt on to all the machines. What else could be this exciting?


Literally off the wall, no doubt. :grin:

Although, on the wall as in vertical, would be a huge floor space saverā€¦ :laughing:

Either way, looking forward to it!