What would you want to see in a new lowrider build?

But… but I want it now? :smiley:


Can it support 4 spindles like your 4-head 3D printer ? =)

Mostly Printed CNC - 4 Head Printer


Nice !!
What is the depth of the cut in your video ? Seems to be like 3 or 4 mm.

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Still testing.


This may have already been discussed, but how much of the hardware came be carried over from V2 to V3?
I know you are waiting to share photos etc. But is it possible to share a bullet point list of what has been updated/improved?

Anticipation intensifies. :slight_smile:

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2 that. Im close to giving up on my LR2 and would like to know it it would be best waiting on LR3 or work throu it with the LR2

I think this is still the right way to look at it when considering LR2 vs LR3 (especially if your LR2 is anywhere close to complete).

As far as parts commonality I think motors, wiring, control board, and some fasteners would transfer over to the new design if/when you want to change.


There will definitely be some new parts needed. But all the stuff that is common for all these CNCs (boards, motors, pulleys, idlers, endstops, wires, some bearings and fasteners) will work.

I still think building an LR2, especially if you already have the parts, is a low risk, winning solution.

You may have also noticed there are some flat parts. I hope I’m not revealing too much by saying you can bootstrap a new LR3 build without having a CNC. But if you have a working LR2, you can use it to make the flat parts.


And save yourself some build time. The LR3 will need you to cut some of it’s own parts with it and disassemble it a bit to install them. So if you currently have a CNC, it saves some time.


How big of a working area is needed to cut those flat parts?

Most can also be printed if you have a 300x300 printer.

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Be right back, gotta use my LR2 to cut the frame for a 300x300 Repeat.


lol. I got a jump on that, with the Repeat serial number 000002.


I like this idea…specially now that I’ve finished my modified Anycubic Chiron on linear rails…

LR3…mmmm…been going through all this thread and can’t wait to see what you come up with.

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Well I am still trying a few tweaks. This latest one could ever so slightly improve performance, and lower cost…

We had a small chat and the consensus is it looks like a go from everyone. It seems to be better in all cases, some are seeing a big improvement in performance, others smaller. I have not looked at the final price yet, but I am really hoping the same as the LR2, :crossed_fingers:. The sample prices vary a bit, and some parts can either be milled or printed, so it varies a lot if you factor that in.


Any chance you could hint at some performance numbers?

I didn’t keep track like I did for the Burly/Primo. For me it is significantly better, for some of the guys it is just a bit better MRR. It is really hard to say because it is pretty different.


Just decided to give up on the maslow and came over here to buy a LR2 kit only to find you’re sold out and on the verge (hopefully :wink: ) of releasing the LR3. If you want to try out the new product on some fresh meat please hit me up. I’d rather embark on a saga of trial and error setting up an LR3 than trying to get the maslow working, and I’m happy to post my thoughts/trials/errors to help out the community going forward.
(I’m not trying to knock or flame the maslow, I just think the LowRider is better for my specific needs)
Thanks for your hard work on this.