What would you want to see in a new lowrider build?

You know i have not seen the entire machine but can you make that void your logo?

Oops thought i was replying to Ryans pic!

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The other void is already my logo…still triangular though.


Reminds me of the beginning of an old Dr. Who episode.
Just need to get it spinning.
But back to the original premise of this whole thread - What would you want to see in a new lowrider build?

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Title says DW611 tool mount but files are named Makita tool mount? Are they compatible?

Aww crud. Yes, I forgot Fusion does things a bit different.

3mf Embeds that in the file itself as well. Grrrrr.

Because you made the Makita mounts first, I guess. Renaming the bodies in the Fusion takes care of that, but you have to rename it in at least 2 places. Three if you used components. I think I came across something like that in the Repeat CAD.


Oh yes! Can we start printing :rofl::rofl::rofl::pleading_face:


I’ve just happily deleted my LR2 alternative dust pickup modelling! :smiley:


So a week later but still a Monday :slight_smile:
I tried 12mm DOC, 70% stepover, 1/8 bit and it came out like this - 7 minutes and change

and a bit of sanding around the top edge

Then bumped it up to 10 mm/s and it skipped steps about 1/2 way though (see topmost logo). I didn’t calibrate or square my printer before printing any parts or check much after assembly (and this machine still works!) so that probably has something to do with it.


Easily get to the collet you say?? CNC race at 40 seconds easy (in the middle of the work area)??!!! This is sounding pretty awesome!

Any updated ETA on the LR3 ?

Thanks much.

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Waiting on some samples and some control boards to arrive. When they get here, me and the Beta team will have a discussion. If we agree it’s ready I will have a few kits shortly after that. 1-2 weeks if we like what we see.

I am not just sitting on my hands I am cutting some aluminum parts with it right now.

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Are you only going to sell kits, or can we see the machine? Anticipation has been killing me, and I am not a spring chicken anymore, LOL

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When I have some kits to sell, I will release it all. Supply chain issues are slowing this all down…by a lot.

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:star_struck: :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Well that’s great news!
I am very interested in one of your kits.
I came here to build the LR2, read 597 posts. And very happy to hear it is not just vapor ware.
Your video of it cutting metal is impressive!


Just saw your v3 teaser on youtube cutting aluminum… nice, cant wait