What would you want to see in a new lowrider build?

If that is the case let us work out any bugs in the system. Once we have a beta going it usually does not take very long to work out any funky issues, unless there is a large issue and it just sucks…
A beta here is usually, I have a working build, I get a few others to build it and approve it. Then release, or just fix a few minor things quickly and release.


That’s a good idea and probably very doable. I had only considered x as when I visualized where to put the roll on my current setup I could not pass it over the belt but a slot would be a good solution to that. Is there a standard work area you are shooting for with the rails?

I would be happy to be a beta tester as long as you didn’t need the results back in 2 weeks :slight_smile:

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Hi Ryan,
I fit your criteria and would be interested in beta testing.
I don’t have the experience or the technical knowledge that many of the forum members have, but I did
get my LR2 built about a year and a half ago without issue and have really enjoyed it. I could provide a solid comparison. Just recently printed all the Primo parts and sent them to my daughter in Illinois, who fell in love with the Lowrider on her visit with me in Florida, so 3d printer is going strong.
Let me know.

Are these the rails that are needed? Amazon.com


damnit, I’m still 30 days out from the new place.


I’m trying to be ready for your move in! You have subjected yourself to nearly every beta, being on this side of it is bound to be weird for you. You can still follow along though!!!

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Yea, I think the only machines I haven’t built was the origional mpcnc, the second sand table and the printers.

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Yes but the shipping on those is a month + out. Any length will work if you have an abrasive saw to trim them down.

Looks like we have 5 guinea pigs…probably good. Might squeeze in one or two more. And I better wrap this thing up so we can start the beta.


If would be no rush, if we pass you no big deal that is why we have a handful working on it and eyes on it. Not a huge amount of printing, a bit more (bulkier) than the current.

I’m in the new place, but the garage is holding did

I’ve got 8 rolls of pla, all the parts from the old LR2, and NONE of it set up!

Good luck, folks!


Lurking with intent! (Don’t meet ANY of the criteria for prototyping - but my brain is with you!) :smiley:

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I’m in.


I’m a horrible beta tester…

but can’t wait to possibly be an early adopter!


Working on it right now…I am interested to see it working. Not as easy to test and compare as a new MPCNC. Kinda just comes down to performance.

It that is the case, tomorrow I will cut something and push the LR2 to the limit, make a little video and try the same gcode on the new machine….
Can’t wait!!! This will be fun !!



That is a good idea, I should do the same. I will need to cut some parts so I will try to push it a bit as well.

Any chance we could get some teaser photos?

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Not yet. I am still moving things around a bit.

I do have two on twitter or instagram, cyptic but still. https://www.instagram.com/v1engineering/

What’s the chassis in the garage? Just curious

It is a car. The bottom half anyway. :smirk: