What would you want to see in a new lowrider build?

I’m picturing 3 or 4 set screws in the flat plate, like I’ve seen for leveling clearance plates in router tables…

Quick Change Mount for Makita on Thingiverse.


Well I’ll be damned

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What do you mean by a second set of bearings?

He is testing a new Z axes.

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Oh, i misunderstood.

Was confused when missread the part about losing 3" in width. All is clear(ish). :laughing:

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No not even close.

So I am having cold feet about these dam linear bearings. How long are they going to last before they get all loosey goosey? Gahhhhh I trust skateboard bearings and pipes so much more. All doubts aside, it is very near beta testing time. If it works it works if not quick pivot on the linear bearings, half this puppy is extra legit with no doubt.


If someone with more Machine Shop experience could speak to this It would be great. From my experience these don’t get loose over time. I have been running a few busy 3D printers with MGN12 rails for about 3 years. They are just as snug as the day I installed them. I do add a drop of lube into the groove of the Steele rail every six ish months.

I can’t be sure if a Heavier load/machine will cause a problem or not but I doubt it. I think these rails are going to last. The only issue I worry about is dust getting into them and jamming them up. That is why my new CNC won’t run without a vacuum attachment that will catch at least 80% of that dust along with the chips.

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Who might be interested in beta testing? This time it is extremely beta.

Whom I think would be best for this;
-Someone that already has a lowrider, for good comparisons. If this is not better no point in releasing it. Not a requirement but a nice comparison.
-Someone that can cut flat parts 200x300mm with their current cnc.
-Someone with a printer that works well and can get through the printing in a steady manor, don’t want to wait 4 weeks for parts to print. There do tend to be reworks, major and minor through this process.

Let me take this a bit further, you really need to enjoy this. Rebuilding and reprinting parts can really suck. The Primo beta had the team reprinting the core several times. I also do not have stock on any of this stuff at the moment to give away. I can try to get some of it so best if you are either in the US or are pretty good at sourcing the typical build stuff. Waiting for international customs is a bummer.

Oh an you need to be able to tell me when something sucks in a nice way.

Cool. Dust is another scary thought. These are quite exposed, I originally had them facing away from the debris but changed that for what hopefully is a good feature. Shoot…

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As you probable know I’m in :sunglasses:


Absolutely, beta tester extraordinaire!

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Damnit! I guess that means I’m out… :cry:

Seriously though, I’m anxious to see this bad boy but I have to be honest and admit to myself that I just don’t have the time.

Not sure about sourcing some of the stuff, or I’d be in in an instant. I think I’m pretty good for most of the typical build stuff though.

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So far, 150mm 12H rails are the hard part. The rest is 608 bearings M8or5/16 nuts and bolts, M5 screws and nuts, stuff from a current LR like all the electronics, belts pulleys, and wheels, and some EMT 1/2", 3/4", 25mm OD, or 25.4mm OD. Main goal was to get a bit more simple. So staying away from various sized bolts and screws this time.

Linear bearings last much longer with some sort of sweep attarched to the ends to push debris off the shaft away from the bearings. We use either a plate with close tolerance cutout for the shaft or a brush material around the shaft . I’ll see if i can find a few pictures of what we use here.


Yes please I would love to see that.

What is the X axis work limits? I need to rebuild my vinyl cutter and it needs to be able to process 56" rolls of material.

I would be so down for this, but I do not have the current lowrider, nor do I have spare parts laying around. I have been really dieing (guess that is not a word, but I know I do not mean dye, LOL) to see the new design though as this summer I would love to be doing 4 x 8 sheet work!


I think that would work just fine for that use.

Could you put the roll under the table, feed it up through a slit and use it sideways? That gives you a 56" Y and a smaller X. That would vastly improve your speed.