Okay so I learned hobby CNC on a Easel GRBL format. I am now working with a freshly built MPCNC and was still hoping to use Easel to generate my G-Code.
I dont do anything fancy, My machine is only used for flattening cutting boards and carving juice grooves.
Im not sure why but when I export my Gcode from Easel and try to load it onto Repetier Host the tool paths dont how up in the view and the system seems to react like I am trying to run a 3D printer. It lists 10 minute carves as 14 hours… Very strange. I am a notice so perhaps Ive done something wrong or missed a step?
RH is built for 3D printing. There will be a lot of noise about it, but you just ignore it. In Repetier host, the cnc moves show up as travel moves. There is a setting to show or hide travel moves.
Before we get to your gcode, check the machije out and check out your process by using the test crown. That will definitely work and any problems you have with that will be problems we can work through before dealing with easel.
As for the gcode. The most likely issue for 10 mins vs 14 hours is that only metric units are supported in Marlin. The units need to be mm/min, so there will be lines like F600 for 10mm/s cuts. If it is inches or mm/sec, then it will be way slow.
If you post a file here, I can look at it. I don’t know if there is any way to customize easel, but most likely, there needs to be a Marlin Post Processor to get Easel to work.
I tried Easel, but decided It wasn’t for me. I’m not using Marlin, but I’ve cut a couple of things with Easel Generated Gcode. The only generic output it supports is “Other (GRBL)”, but I think the resulting Gcode might work with Marlin. If you set the units to mm (bottom left corner of the Easel interface) it will generate mm/min feed speeds in the Gcode. The feed speeds can be set in the “Cut Settings” dialog (top right) by choosing “Custom”. Finally by going into the “Machine” tab (Top Center) and clicking the “advaced” link you can download the Gcode file.
That’s pretty much the limit of the available customization. Here’s a gcode file for consideration. The M7,M8, and M3 codes at the beginning of the file are optional and were generated because I checked the “spindle control” and “accessory control” boxes. M9 and M5 codes at the end of file as well.DogHeart.gcode (68.8 KB)
It has been a long time since I used RH myself. Maybe someone else can cone along and show you the right setting. Have you tried closing that window and turning off the easy mode?
The dog heart gcode looks fine. But if you want to paste your gcode here, I will take a look.
I use pronterface to do the initial tests and set up. Then I attach a v1pi. Don’t just do what I do though, I prefer the command line and I use Linux as my desktop.
Just following up to this old conversation to say I really appreciate the tips and pointers. I ended up writing a script to add tweak the Easel exported .NC files (to speed up relocations and add some calibration/initialization code up front) and save it as GCODE on my OctoPi. Workflow is so easy now and Easel makes design work much less complicated.
Not sure how to share the PowerShell script (if anyone needs it). But if you’re interested just reply.
What changes to the gcode are you making in the script? I’d like to to do this but I can’t get the script to run I get a lot of errors running the power shell script.