I tested running Easel scrips unmodified on the MPCNC, and it works fine. There are some limitations. It assumes you are starting to cut in the lower left corner of the stock, and there is no prompting to turn on the spindle, so you have to turn the spindle/router on before executing the code. As for the power shell script, it is in plain text. This is the comment at the top of the file concerning what it does:
# What the script does: This script prompts you to open an NC file exported by Easel (like "Untiled.nc" # in the Downloads folder). Then it confirms the file units are set to mm. It asks the user for a # "safe height" to start. Then it adds a short set of GCODEs to the file's beginning to: # 1) turn on absolute positioning, # 2) set the bit's current position to {0,0,[height of z-probe plate defined below as $zProbeOffset]} # 3) raises the bit the safeheight defined below as $defaultSafeHeight or input by the user # 4) pauses the machine waiting for an LCD button press at the front panel (to allow turning # on the spindle and getting it the right speed).
If you want to add the functionality that is inserted by this script, there are usually easy ways to prepend a bit of g-code to the front of a g-code file. If you are using Repetier-Host for example, you can use a start script.