I updated Marlin in my SKR Pro1.2 and since I have been having an issue with touch mode saying no printer attached. So I figured I would update the TFT firmware from the V1 Repository, upon doing so the screen display turned backwards. Like all the text is mirrored. I downloaded the Current version (.27) from BTT Github and its back to normal, its also connecting just fine. So I don’t know if there is an easy fix or something I am missing. I just use screen for movement mainly, I am running CNC.js on a Pi4 as my Gcode sender so its not huge that I run the V1 version. Just wanted to see if anyone else has had that issue.
There is something weird the newer firmware leaves and the older firmware flips around.
I am not sure why, and we figured efforts would be better spent updating.
So we got a commit into the newest BTT firmware to support zero extruders. So you can now get the latest btt firmware and configure it for zero extruders to work with the latest skr firmware
Awesome, That is exactly what I figured the outcome would be. Thanks for getting back to me!
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