Well, I’m not using host software, I’m running the gcode from an SD card plugged into the TFT35 display.
I have checked my gcode file by setting up a simple circle . There is nothing in the gcode file but an absolute position command at the start(G90) and a bunch of move and arc commands. The job completes as expected, move to 0,0, then releases the motors immediately, no delay.
I also tried setting the idle timeout to 0 as the documentation states that will disable the release, but nope.
Found the problem with the motors releasing. The TFT35 firmware has a configuration.h that has the following default content …
Start/End/Cancel G-code - runs after a print starts, ends, or canceled.
// Start G-code #define PRINT_START_GCODE “G28 XY R10\n” // Raise Z 10mm before homing X & Y
// End G-code - run this G-code after finishing print #define PRINT_END_GCODE “G90\nG1 E-4\nG92 E0\nM18\n”
// Cancel G-code - run this G-code after canceling print #define CANCEL_PRINT_GCODE “G28 XY R10\n” // Raise Z 10mm before homing X & Y
There is an unwanted M18 in the end gcode to disable all steppers. I’ll try to fix that tomorrow but it looks like the culprit.
Well, the saga with the dropping z-axis continues. The TFT End Gcode was not the problem as it was disabled by default. I found a work around by using a M0 gcode command in my end code which causes the system to pause and then prompt me to continue. I can turn the router off at that point and then hit ok in the prompt window to resume. I then have more end code to move the router over to a parking spot at the back left corner of the work area. When the router falls, the router body hits a block to stop the router bit from touching the table. Works well enough that I am giving up on finding a cure for the falling z.
I downloaded a trial copy of Vcarve Desktop to play with it. Had to modify a post processor for it to accomodate my falling Z solution. Ran several trials with Vcrave gcode files with very good fidelity and success with the end code solution.
Tomorrow I am going to try one of the demo signs that Vcarve provides in their trial period. I’ll post the result. I am seriously considering plopping down the $360 bucks for Vcarve and then generate most of my artwork in Inkscape which I love. I tried Estlcam but want something a little more powerful for 3d carving, lithography, etc.
I still think it is the screen, or it is at the end of the gcode. You could try sending from a computer to see, but it sounds like youd prefer to work around it (which is a really useful skill to have!).
First real test of Primo on a sign. Material is mdf, 60 degree v-bit, 55 in/min cutting speed,1/8" depth of cut. Could have easily gone deeper or faster in mdf. Detail and smoothness were great at this speed. Have to test in hardwood next. I like it! I like it!
Well, now I’m gonna take a step back, mount a vacuum under the table, print a dust collection attachment, put in 110volt switch and plugins for vacuum,router, and power supply. Then build a soundproofing shroud around the vacuum and mpcnc with a hinged top. Should be a sweet setup when I’m done. I’ll post a picture when its complete.
Looking good! Mind posting some detail photos of the corners and long straight sections? Curious if such a heavy cut shows evidence of any flex in the center.
The resolution of the image will allow you to zoom in close for the detail. Just copy the photo to your computer and use your favorite photo viewer to zoom in. I have already messed it up trying to paint the grooves so you couldn’t see much now.
The grooves were not made in one pass. I believe it took 6 passes to cut that outside perimeter, 4 rough cuts and 2 finishing cuts. Even the finer detail on the sign was made in 2 passes. I set it for a 1/8" depth of cut per pass so there was hardly any burden on the vbit. 1/8 inch deep on a 60 degree bit is less than 1/8 of width. The entire sign took 20 minutes tops. I was so excited to see it produce something that I didn’t keep close track of the time. 55 in/min is moving pretty good but not doing much cutting with a vbit.
I did find this photo I took when I took the other one.
I used this from my burly build. The angle holder bracket mounted with the two top screws on the stepper. Since the steppers are in a different configuration on the primo, the bracket will no longer bolt to the steppers.
I kluged it. Cut a small piece of hardwood that would wedge in the end of the pipe and put a wood screw through the bracket into the hardwood. I was so eager to get it going that I just made it work. Will probable design and print a piece to fit in both ends of the pipe when I get time.
Nice! I have not yet done anything in a hardwood yet. The jury is still out for me on purchasing Vcarve. Still evaluating. What features led you to buy it as opposed to something else?
My purpose in building the machine is primarily for sign making with relief carving. I am also into intarsia and hope to incorporate some of those designs glued to into the sign. Example of my instarsia below.
I am also still looking at Estlcam as it seems pretty popular with the MPCNC crowd. Just haven’t determined if it meets my needs yet. It is certainly a cheaper option!
I think they have the Vcarv and the Vcarv pro.
I did not get the pro version.
With The standard version you have up to a 24x24 inch work area and the pro is unlimited.
At anytime you can upgrade for (as they say) a small upgrade fee.
In my head I decided to go inexpensive and if I need to go bigger at a later date I can.
The thing with the free version (if I remembercorrectly) you can only cut the sample projects they have but you can create the tool path for anything you want, so you can learn the software. Its great so far with 2d, 2.5d and full on flip the board and do 3d.
Mine was a Xmas gift so with 8 people chipping in it didn’t hurt that bad %).
Looking at their web site, looks like the Vcarv is now the VCarve Desktop. $349. Since my Primo will be 26 by 14, the 24 square limitation would not apply so the Desktop version will be the one I will look at.
I don’t have my main computer since I’m moving but I remember this issue occuring on my first couple developments. The motor shutdown was hard coded into the TFT firmware. I just can’t remember where I deleted it. It was not the end code in the gcode file itself but actually as the BTT TFT parsed it. May want to look for endGcodeExecute
Thanks, Dan. I will check the print.c file. I have already checked and modified the endGcodeExecute and that did not solve it. I alos read in another thread that it doesn’t do it from the lcd screen, only in touchscreen mode. That seems to confirm the problem is indeed in the TFT35 somewhere.