Still 3+ days remaining to post your makes for the V1E GO Maker Faire!

V1E "GO" Maker Faire 2024 1920x1080


This is a little something @vicious1 and I talked about. For all the month of May, post anything you make using a V1E designed machine (or made within the current year), in the “Maker Faire May 2024” thread , and optionally tag it with v1e-maker-faire, and you could win one of two Jackpot boards being given as prizes. One of the Jackpots is being awarded by Design8Studio, and another one is being awarded by V1 Engineering!

I’m not sure what all we need in the way of rules, beyond this:

  • Photo(s) required. At least one pic. Video is great too, but not required.
  • Has to have been made with at least some portion being done using a V1E designed machine.
  • May include anything made from January 1, 2024 though May 31, 2024.
  • Post the thing(s) you made in the “Maker Faire May 2024” thread ,
  • OPTIONAL: tag it with “v1e-maker-faire” (apparently easy on PC, not as easy if you’re on a phone)
  • Enter as many times as you like, provided each entry is something different than what was entered before.

@vicious1 will award his prize to a winner he chooses, and @DougJoseph will award his prize to a winner he chooses. I am guessing that any entries by @vicious1 and @DougJoseph won’t be eligible for winnings.

If you all have any questions, post them here. (I.E. don’t post them in the submissions post. Keep that for only submissions.)

Have fun!