Hey Matthias, www.jabimetal.at is your friend for 32mm pipes.
Hey thank you. Did you take a precision tube? 32x2 mm?
2 is also fine though.
Make sure you treat it after cleaning or it is going to rust. I used Silbergleit after it rusted when treated with oil.
Good Morning All…Looks like I know what most will be doing this weekend! Thanks to Ryan and the Beta Team! Congratulations to Ryan and Jonathan on the fully built offering. That’s super exciting.
I’m going to start printing this morning and was planning to start with the control box for the jackpot. Can anyone point me to that file? The link goes nowhere on the info page.
Thanks! Happy Building!!
I dropped the money on the Flashforge machine people were talking about in another thread, after they mentioned you couldn’t adjust the skew in the Bambu printers, since that’s basically all I have. I’m also curious about the speed factor since this printer is only slightly more expensive than an A1. Following your comments though as I’ll send it back if there is a solution for the X1Cs.
There really shouldn’t be a problem with the Bambu printers, as hard as it is to admit that for a Prusa fanboy.
That pendant is sick. I saw you using it on your channel and I was like, “I want that!” Found the links, going to buy it in the next couple weeks.
that’s my hopes as my X1C has been a rockstar printing ASA like a champ for high tolerance parts…
I have my first attempt with PLA-CF happening now…wish me luck
So excited the printables link is live. Looks great
Is regular PLA still ok to use? I’m going to have to dust off my 10 year old adimlab gantry pro.
The LR3 printed set took almost 3 weeks to build…
Might be worth doing an upgrade…
So far the xy correction seems to be working. The calibration square I had to use for that was spot on for the diagonals once I applied the correction. I’m printing a Calilantern to see the effects overall. Once I have done fiddling around with this, I’ll post it in a different thread. Too long for here, and at least there will be a single spot for anyone that wants to try this. At least it can’t hurt to have xy be perfect even if bambu doesn’t allow xz/yz yet.
To be honest I haven’t had any issue with my X1C. I printed a bunch of parts for an Artme-3d filament extruder and all the parts fit like a glove.
Yes, it is.
Print the Z stubs and the Z nut traps first and check the fit. If its good, keep going.
These are good Canary prints.
Also do the dust shoe lower part to make sure your slicer is getting overhang bridges right.
Thanks Jim
Are the overhangs bigger on the V4 shoe compared to the V3? My printer handled the v3 fine, and I’d argue they were actually the better prints of the bunch .
No shipping to belgium
Look upthread for slicer screenshots- evolved design.
Is your truss plate birch plywood laser engraved? It looks fantastic
Found them. Good info, thanks
I don’t see a dust shoe stl on the printables link. I assume it’ll make its way there shortly
tool specific, along with the mounts - found the makita version
Are the M5x30 Philips round head? I am moving from MPCNC to LR4 just curious what hardware I need to order. @vicious1 would prefer to order from you if you have a Hardware only kit? Also MGN Rails still out of stock?
Well, I may not be able to make it out of real chocolate I can do the next best thing. Welcome to Candyland!
Really? Shipping to the Netherlands is no issue, apart from the high shipping rates. Ordered the lr3 kit from Ryan, no problems in shipping and customs.
If you need to, you can ship the kit to my adres and I can forward it to you, shipping from the Netherlands to Belgium is 7€. Or if you are close to the border you can ship to a pick up point just across the border.