Skr 1.4 and laser

So in this thread

The author uses the dc9 pin on the pro board to control the pwm signal. I have a 1.4 board which doesnt have those extension slots. Is there anyway I could use the 5v spi, i2c, bltouch, z endstop, vin pins for the pwm? What about putting a voltage divider on the fan? Also if I use the fan how do I separate my parts cooling fan from the laser? Or do most people just have all the printer connections connected only during printing?

The laser is the typical 12v/5v pwm low powered chinese laser

What are the changes in marlin I have to make to control the laser power using the heater?

Sorry I’ve been researching and reading so much again I’m back spinning around in circles?

That’s my profile pic on the post you quoted, but I don’t have an SKR board or a laser on my MPCNC (I use Lightburn on another device with a Arduino/CNC shield), so I can’t help with specifics.

As a first step, check the documentation for the SKR board to see which pins support PWM. If any are designated for “spindle enable” then that’s the one I’d try to re-use to minimize further firmware changes.

Sorry I must have quoted the wrong person. I’m going to close this thread I think I got it figured and no one wants to answer cause it’s been asked 100 times but the answer is kinda all ove…

I don’t mind you quoting me, I just wanted to let you know why I was going to be unresponsive (if that makes any sense).