Show me your IPA Mister setup

So with a bit of feedback from @Jonathjon in this thread, and using @DougJoseph’s remiix of Jonathon’s kinematic tool holder mount in this thread, I managed to get the air mister mounting figured out.

Pictures aren’t the greatest, but I routed the air hose along the vacuum hose, and the liquid hose along the core wiring harness. In the picture the liquid pickup nozzle is stuffed inside a plastic bag (to keep the dust out) and then crammed into the backside of the gantry. I’m planning to design a bottle holder for the IPA that mounts to one of the strut brackets, so the IPA can ride along with the gantry rather than just sitting on the table.


Just figuring out the F&S for cutting aluminum, and I should be ready to go in a day or two.