Setting Pin for Z probe touch plate

Did you edit the firmware to include it? You have to, none of my firmware are set up for it. Also you need to be sure the negative is polarity correct on the endstop pins. I am not sure why you want to use this but it is not much help on a CNC as the bit tip length varies and the BL touch can not account for this so functionally useless.

That should not matter. Make sure both the screen and board have the same timeframe firmware, meaning both should have the newest so any changes match.

What is this?

When you flashed the board and the screen did both change the file from bin to cur?

All firmware is now the same as what it was shipped with.

I watched them both complete the flashes.

I mean that the test function on the BLTOUCH was functioning so I know the board was doing some functions but it may just be a disconnect between the boards. Not sure how since everything is fully seated.

Did the file names change? The board takes a few seconds, the screen takes a few minutes (several files and folders not just a bin for the screen, if you missed the configs and images it will not communicate).

If you did not change my firmware, the bltouch should not be operational as it is not enabled. On power up it will do a clicking on it’s own but it is not functional as it sits.

That was when the issue first occurred when I was testing the BLTOUCH. I mentioned that as it shows the main board is working properly at that time. I re-flashed after that and unplugged the probe. I can reflash again and review the files as well to confirm the file name change.


Renaming occurred same issue.

I also did a compare between the current firmware.bin and the .cur and they are 100% the same even though they arent readable.

I ordered replacements from Amazon that will be here tomorrow. Ill be able to replace and use the same cables. If it still doesnt work then its the cable connection. If it does then its one of the boards. I can then return them as needed. If its just the wires then I have 2 boards so I can make another sooner or return them.

Nothing is supposed to change in the file. The extension change just shows it was a complete flash. That is why I asked twice if the file name changed. Here is teh original question that has not been answered. “Did the file names change? The board takes a few seconds, the screen takes a few minutes (several files and folders not just a bin for the screen, if you missed the configs and images it will not communicate).”

Please take the BLtouch out of this issue. you need a working board before you bother adding things.

What does that mean?

To verify, check the baud rate of the screen in the settings, what does it show? Does my logo show on the boot screen?

Yes your logo shows. Not sure on where the rate shows in the settings menus.

That is not my firmware, Mine does not have the “GD” in it usually.

So to ask again does the firmware.bin file on the LCD change to firmware.cur? I suspect it does not at this point.

Here is the instructions and link to my files. SKR Pro - V1 Engineering Documentation.

I keep asking if the bin file changes on the lcd for a reason. Can you verify this first. I don’t want to confuse the issue if the file is changing, if not there could be a reason.

If its not the correct firmware then why does it have your logo still after reflashing? I have confirmed the files changed and that they were the correct files as requested. I uploaded them in a zip so you can double check. What you asked was already confirmed. (216.2 KB)

I don’t want to be rude, but it would be a lot easier if you just answered the question Ryan asked at least five times now.
Did the firmware.bin file on the LCD change to firmware.cur?
If you just answered that question you would not have to post logs etc.

Is this not a direct enough answer? Im not trying to be obstinate, but I thought we were past that.

Oh, sorry. Ryan might have misunderstood that if you read his answer to your post. He specifically asked about the LCD, I don’t know what that means since I run a different system. :smiley:

No worries. It happens! Im just trying to figure out what broke. If I have to wait till tomorrow to have a replacement board then so be it, but there are only so many steps. I was starting to think I was being gaslit lol

I did not understand that and asked again.

I also asked if the logo showed and you did not confirm until now.

Please just slow down. From here on out I am only going to ask one question at a time. This is getting confused and I do not think there is a issue needing a replacement but the questions and answers are all over the place.

I prioritize standard builds and questions. The second you mentioned a BLtouch I tuned out. I have questions coming at me from every platform publicly and privately including emails. I can only do so much while I pack orders.