Setting Pin for Z probe touch plate

Hello all,

I am having an issue setting the pin for the SKR Pro 1.2 for use as a touch plate. Due to my specific situation I need to be able to create a mesh as working with large plywood panels its hard to have a 100% uniform surface for the whole 4x8 area. I have made some gcode to automate the process of probing and will soon be in the process for having this auto run and probe without any additional inputs… That is if I can figure out why the PG8 pin is not setting properly.

I know I can use the G38.2 command to have it probe and stop then set the offset, but doing that manually each time I change wood thickness is a bit much for the area Im covering. So I am trying to make the probing automated over 32 spots (every square foot) so I can make accurate cuts even when the material isnt completely flat.

I set the Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN to PG8 which is the pin I believe is required for the specific board and the same as the pin used for the G38.2 command. I would like them to remain the same for simplicity. I have reflashed the board twice with no positive results for it stopping. It just continues on thought the probe.

Anyone have some additional insight?

It should be set up to use the zmin pin already in any dualLR firmware.

It also only requires the endstop name, like zmin, not the pin name, like pg8, IIRC. You should be able to see the state with M119 without having to stress about G38.2 or G29.

My (untested) guess is that taking the dualLR firmware and only enabling bilinear mesh leveling should do what you want. I don’t think you have to mess with the pins for the probe.


You are correct. I reflashed it with just that change and the bed size set point variables x 4 and y 8 and it does use the probe as you said. I tried to do the command G29 L0 R1220 F0 B2440 V4 and it said the bed was too small. Is there another setting I need to set for it to take the perimeters I set? I figured I could just hit the button for bed level or leveling and use the auto function, but it does not go though. That said I likely missed something important.

That’s good news.

Probably X_BED_SIZE and Y_BED_SIZE.

I set those limits. Do I need to define the travel limits as well?

Also when I try to do G29 S0 it just reboots and S1 the X axis makes noise but doesnt move. I would guess there another settings I need as well somewhere.

The “soft limits” are turned off. So you can travel as far as you want.

Bummer. I am not sure what is causing that. Maybe one of the mesh settings is causing it to do some bad math?

Can you try your longer G29 command with a smaller size? What happens if you only send G29?

G29 tries to probe but it fails. It does stop on the probe itself, but only probes one spot twice then says it failed

Tried to adjust to adjust back to default with less changes. Same issue. It probes and then throws an error can not enable ABL. It does probe and respects the probe itself since it stops and backs off, but the error persists.

Here are some more symptoms of the problem.

G29 S0

G29 S1

The ABL seems to work when I have AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL enabled instead. Now when I do G29 P1 it just probes the same spot 100 times so I just need to figure that part out.

The issue Im having is likely the same issue that is being talked about here.

After messing with this for a bit I still have no luck as it just fails to probe and only probes one point continuously.

Attempted M928 log.txt, thenM111 S32, then M29 P1, then M29 and nothing in the log file.

I was able to record in slowmo to catch the log. It seems like its measuring Z0.0000 which I would think is the point for creating a mesh. I have uploaded my file as well for the Configuration.h as .gcode since .h isnt a valid format.
Configuration.gcode (123.5 KB)

I have never tried ABL on any of the CNC’s.

The bed leveling section is very long and detailed.

Why are you trying to ABL, and not just surface it?

The plywood and MDF is slightly warped so not using it is causing miscuts in regard to the depth. Cut outs are perfect, but when I cut a dato its off by a bit.

It sounds like you need “workspace surfacing” which many have done.


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I can not surface the material. The material itself can not by screwed down due to the usage of the material. The bed itself is flat.

Any holes you can secure the middle of the material? if it is floating you are not going to have a very accurate cut.

As Jeff said mesh bed leveling is more of what you are looking for, you have selected ABL. Best help I can say is look at my MP3DP v4 config and copy my leveling settings to see if that works, don’t use teh BLtouch setting or offsets though.

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Ill give the mesh bed leveling a go. I just need to get a solid mesh and Ill be good to go.