That’s why I had kids!
Waiting for the grandkids to visit to sort out this mess…
Oven Time
Dishwasher Time
Analogue Time
Actual Time
That’s why I had kids!
Waiting for the grandkids to visit to sort out this mess…
Oven Time
Dishwasher Time
Analogue Time
Actual Time
I’m finally going through my DVDs and ripping them. Imyusing the Automated Ripping Machine and I just put a disk in, and it spits it back out when it’s done.
Still, I think Piracy would probably be faster. My only motivation is to throw away these disks that are taking up too much room.
On a side of the side topic, I am also ripping my music CDs. Is it possible I had really bad taste in music when I was in high school (late 90s)? I never listen to this stuff. I usually listen to older or newer stuff now.
Little strip of electrical tape. Works the same for that funny blue light on the car’s dash.
I got my ticket and plan to be there. Looks fun.
I have a daughter that lives about 15 miles south of Loveland. I think I need to go visit at the end of April .
I can bring the Little LR3 if you don’t already have one coming. the portable “table” is 27x48.
Let me know if you need another machine.
Mike B,
Aww yeah this is starting to be a heck of a turn out!
Maybe on the table, we will need to finalize all that when it gets a little closer. That could be a great option thank you for offering.
I was surprised this is only the 2nd one ever! (Unless I read wrong.)
For me now, it’s down to luck - if we can get last minute points tickets - happy days…I won’t give up, but if we are honest with ourselves there’s been a lot going on behind the scenes conspiring to prevent the stars aligning. We’re disappointed of course - but hopefully there’ll be another chance if we can’t swing this one.
Sorry. Just saw this.
Yes. I’ll be there a much as possible, from beginning to end.
I’m assuming that bringing the Primo again is OK? Hoping to refresh it a little bit, and to have a couple of new projects.
Awesome!! let me know if you need anything.
Well that’s it then, lady luck deserted us. Or I should say common sense prevailed.
We have a lot going on, and a large number of travel months remaining this year, and my " boss" (who was even more enthusiastic than I with regard to this little project) has quite rightly suggested there’s a bit much at stake to make bookings unless we can be convinced I’ve fully recovered.
Put this one down to COVID, very disappointed but not much we can do this time. Prague is a bit early this year, I don’t think we can get to the EU in time, but maybe Hanover is on the cards!
In the meantime - you blokes have a wonderful time and think of us as you do!
Woo! The date is blocked in my calendar. I asked around some and was told to go there as a visitor the first time, so no booth this year though.
YIKES, I thought we were two months out. This is next month!
Okay. Dave is bringing a MPCNC, Jeffe you are doing the Zen again (?), Mike busy and can’t bring a LR.
I have a LR and a Printer. That should cover it all.
If you are coming let us know, if you have a project, you made with one of the machines you can share on a table for a while that would be awesome. Pictures or good video ideas to play as a slide show on a tablet would be good.
Blimey, that does feel soon.
Planning to be there. Let me know if specific machine/project(s) would be helpful to bring along. Cheers!
Anything you think is worth bringing.
Yes. Thanks for the reminder. I should have some time to update everything on it and try to fix some of the wifi issues we had last time.
I’m excited though. Should be a blast.
The layout!!!
We are table 6-8.
Man I wish I could go to this show!!!
The layout is YUGE. SO many awesome things coming this year.