Repetier on Mac won't play for me!

Is it something I’ve done?

I’m very much about following instructions by rote here, and I think I have everything configured correctly but clearly not.

I can connect to the board, but as far as I can see from the Repetier troubleshooting pages that doesn’t mean much at all sadly!

Here’s the current status - “191 FPS unknown printer firmware… waiting for temperature” (that temperature thing could be a very long wait!)

Current settings are as follows - I have followed the V1 Docs as closely as possible given that these screens are completely different.

As always, any guidance will be greatly appreciated!

Forgive me for not remembering from your other threat. What board are you using??? And has it been flashed with the proper firmware?

Sorry I should have said, Rambo and yes it’s current firmware.

and as a side note - all functions correctly via the controller (except that I can’t test the touch plate) - all homing features work.

There has to be a small button or something in Repetier that I’ve failed to spot!!

Given that OSX is a unix base…

(Sorry, don’t have a lot of Mac experience, I tend to treat them like BSD machines, which usually works…)

Have you been able to make other serial connections from that user account? Is the user account a member of the dialout group?

Typically I remember still seeing serial ports including USB ones as /dev/tty(something) not sure about this URT1 designation. Is there a /dev/ entry for it? Have you tried that? It could well be a Mac thing, but I’d be more comfortable with a device entry.

Stack Overflow seems to agree with me the serial.port should be /dev/tty.usb(something). I would at least look.

From a.command prompt:

$ ls /dev/tty.usb*

And see what it comes up with.

Thanks Dan,

And right there at " BSD"is where you lost me, but of course I understand the sentence intent!

I’m sorry for my extreme jargon blindness here. It’s amazing how much I do and have done in another life without needing any comprehension of this.

To be clear “user account” you mean my account on the laptop. “serial connections” you mean any connections such as USB drives, printers etc. The answer if so, is YES, there has never been a problem and I can connect now with anything I wish. (Tested)

I don’t know what a Is there a /dev/ entry is, or where to look.

The URT designation is not one I’ve heard of previously, however my choices in the Repetier menu are:

Virtual Printer

URT1 and URT 2 seem to be the same.

Well here’s an adventure - I’ve never ever even opened Terminal let alone typed a command. So I did, and received the message “no such file or device”.

Before beginning to panic, I tried again with a USB drive attached and mounted, and received the same message.

Even more disturbing is that Repetier is now showing “connected” when it’s not, which means that my previous testing of the USB setup was meaningless.

I really appreciate your help here. It is made much more difficult by my extreme lack of knowledge I’m afraid.

Just another day at the office for me…

Okay, most USB devices use their own programs to talk, or.have specific functions. A serial device, like the RAMBo tries to have a more general purpose function.

Okay… don’t type the $ from that command, start at the ‘ls’ (that’s LS in lower case.) “No such file” might be the OS not liking the command, or it might be it can’t find the files.

ls /dev/tty*

That ought to produce a list of devices, most of which we don’t care about in this instance, so the command above is better, if it produces output. The output should be different with the board plugged in from when it is not. Other USB devices will probably not affect this, only ones that act like a serial port.

Like I said, my experience with Macs is limited. I always found the UI gets in my way when it things it knows better than me what I want to do, so on a Mac, I generally live on the command prompt.

Not sure if it applies the same, but Repetier Server seems to interfere with Repetier Host. That should not be running, but I think it wouldn’t say “connected” in that case, so probably not what’s wrong. (I don’t use Repetier either, lol. But in my line of work, I end up troubleshooting lots of stuff I don’t use.)

A quick scan of the Repetier docs seems to say that it scans the devices for you. The Internet also says the RAMBo doesn’t need a driver, so shouldn’t be that either.

All 4 in your list should be different devices, so try 'em all. 250000 baud, no parity, 1 stop bit should all be correct, which you seemed to have set up.

Well, though I have high confidence in my general troubleshooting abilities, this might have a pretty high bar to hurdle…


I greatly appreciate that! Working on your time off is beyond the call - I’ll give it a rest till tomorrow, my brain is a bit full of other things at the moment, will follow through and will report back.

It’s funny, one of those other things is web admin and I can read a little of various scripts even if I can’t speak it. Logic would have you think that all those “??” and “*” would be like a second language, but my brain just glazes over - at least I don’t get tired angry frustrated and annoyed with it! :smiley:


Seems like a few others encountered this one

Yep, but no cigar for me there either.

I know I said I’d give it a rest, but I have tried all four USB ports and the two URT configs but not the Bluetooth - will try again tomorrow.

I am not going to give up, but I have done nothing else today either, and I am comfortable running the machine via the controller so all is not lost. I’ll just have to test the touch plate with a real project!

Hopefully my mind will be clearer on the morrow, before I start pulling cables out!

The rambo needs 12V power on, even when connecting over USB. So make sure that is on.

In Linux, you do need to be in the dialout group, but I have no idea how that translates to mac. It sounds more like you have an issue with the cable or the rambo than the software. On the terminal, you can type groups and see which groups you are in. I would not be surprised if mac uses different groups though.

It won’t be the bluetooth one. There is no bluetooth.

My guess is that you should see a new entry in the connection list once it is properly connected. All the ones you already see there aren’t the rambo. But it would help if someone that knows mac would pop in and help.

Yes, it’s on and all controls are functioning correctly through the Controller.

That’s my first thought, leaning towards cables because the board was fine before final assembly as I was able to flash it using PlatformIO. As far as I recall though, performio doesn’t give any feed back regarding the connection other than to advise that flashing was successful?

Having said that, I have given the board a bit of a bruising during construction - AND I have set myself up to fail with the cables using a 300mm USB A-B jumper cable to a USB A pass-through to a 1200mm A-C, so there is a lot of room for catastrophe.

Is there a way of testing the usb connection without using repetier? I think the Rambo USB is power isolated otherwise I could measure with my little USB measuring stick?

I have no idea what a dialout group is, but I am fairly sure that the mac takes care of that!

I am torn between wasting another day dismantling the cable set-up (which I will have to do in a week or two when I replace the struts anyway) and just getting on with it!

Is there a way of testing the touch plate using just the Graphic Controller? I’m pretty sure that just moving Z in a minus direction won’t do the trick. I can of course get on with life without it for the time being - or just trust that it works (everything else does…except the USB connection). :smiley:


Put a file on the SD card:


G28 Z      ; Home Z axis to top of travel
M0 Attach Touchplate
G38.2 Z-75 ; Probe towards Z=-75 until the touchplate is triggered.
G92 Z0.5   ; 0.5mm for V1 touch plate, change to your touch plate thickness
G0 Z10     ; lift Z for touchplate removal, increase Z if needed.
M0 Remove Touchplate

Then you can use this as a macro to set your stock height at any time.

Perfect, thanks very much Dan! I was about to experiment along those lines but it’s really reassuring having the actual, clear instructions.

That all works (I don’t have any screws installed so no risk if it didn’t :wink: )

I can tell despite my bravado that I’m getting slightly flustered because the file wasn’t visible at first - “touchtest.gcode.text” will do that! Thankfully that wasn’t hard to find and repair!

With that, I am moving on without Repetier for now, and will investigate further a little downstream.

I won’t call this thread solved just yet and will revisit it at a later point.


Flashing firmware is a teo way communication. So the USB would have had to be working then.

It is just a serial port. You can open it and send M115 and hit enter and it should respond. Since it isn’t showing up in /dev, it won’t work.

I am 90% sure it is a cable issue. If you still care, try bypassing all your stuff temporarily and use the same setup you used to flash it.

Thanks once again, and once again I understand everything you have said and agree with all of the logic.

Presumably “send M115” is via terminal? I need to learn a lot more about that. I’ve consciously avoided doing so until now, but if I’m going to swim with the sharks… :smiley:

Sadly, even if I’m never going to use it, something deep down annoys me that I can’t make it work that the story will not end here.

In any case, I have to track down the source of my X home issues, and I have to dismantle a bit to replace the struts, so I will persevere, but I am of a mind to get it all running now before I do that. The next three months are going to be a bit hectic for us, and I did set out to finish before Christmas! :smiley:

Trade you “PlatformIO” for “two” :wink:


I know 5 ways to do it in Linux, but I don’t know if there is a shiny app in mac for it. In linux, there are several commands in the terminal that open a serial port connection and then anything you type gets sent to the rambo, and anything it responds with will print on your screen. is my favorite.

But honestly, it isn’t worth it. If it worked, then RH would work. If it doesn’t, then we will be trying to guess if the issue is the mac, the user, the instructions, or the program. We should just stick to what we know.

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My suspicion is that the Mac is trying to “make it easy” and doing stuff with the USB connection. Platformio does talk to the USB serial but needs it in a different mode to flash, instead of talking to the firmware.

Kind of like mashing the “0” button on those automated call menus to bypass the menu and try to talk to an operator. (Which now connects you to a chat bot instead.) So the USB port is working (or did when you flashed it) but that doesn’t mean that it can talk to Marlin.

So this is a good test.

Look shut down Repetier entirely. (Not just to the task bar, you have to actually close the application. Macs have nailed me before on this.) And disconnect the USB to the board.

Start Repetier, and look at the connection options.

Shut down Repetier again. Connect the USB cable.

Start Repetier again, check connections again.

What I read indicates.that Repetier checks available connections when it starts. This suggests to me that it might not update the list if you plug in the USB after it has started. Anyway the results may be helpful.

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Thanks Dan and Jeff so now I feel really bad for wasting your time when I really should have checked first!! I have actually learned quite a bit from your responses, so perhaps it wasn’t wasted anyway.

Those who have been following my build thread will know I’ve had to pull off the back strut once again to swap over my “Y’s” and I can’t let sleeping dogs lie. Bypassing my nifty stuff, with a different cable - it all works - or at least I am now talking to Repetier. There’s a whole new port called “usbmodem14401” and Repetier knows the version of the firmware, that Ryan was the Author and that it was compiled on August 1, so I think it’s clear that we’re on speaking terms!

I am going to leave the current cable inside for a bit - it won’t be as pretty but it will give me an opportunity to run via a keyboard later on.

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This should work now. And you can do that without RH open. So you have a less complicated testing procedure.