unknown printer firmware... waiting for temperature error

I’m getting the message on repetier “unkown printer firmware… waiting for temperature”

is the unknown printer firmware notice normal?

I plugged in the extruder thermistor to the ramps and the fan and heater wires and the stepper of the extruder and I’m still getting the message.

These things should all be included in your post. It makes it much faster to diagnose problems.

  1. Did you buy everything from here?
    a)If you didn’t or changed some things please don’t leave out any details and include what firmware you flashed.
  2. Are you using end stops?
    a)If so please disconnect them.
  3. Mac or PC?
  4. Include a picture so obvious errors might be spotted.
  1. Did you buy everything from here?
    Yes I bought the kit from here but with a extruder and no spindle.
    I haven’t flashed anything I thought it was already flashed.

  2. Are you using end stops?

no endstops

  1. Mac or PC?


  1. Include a picture so obvious errors might be spotted.

I bought the bigger power supply but the fan on it doesnt turn on. Is it supposed to turn on? Is the fan on the extruder supposed to turn on as soon as its connected? Right now the fan on the extruder doesnt turn on.

Have you read the MAC part linked on the software page and a few others? Some MAC’s (older ones I believe) have to have the firmware flashed at a lower baud rate for some reason.

Woot woot !! its working now after baudrate change in formware and driver


Does it happen to be a new Mac or an older one? I don’t think we have any sort of correlation as to why some need this and other don’t.

I received the same error in Repetier-Host on a Mac running Mojave. I was able to fix by going to:

Printer Settings -> Connection -> BaudRate and setting to 256000

No drivers or firmware tweaks needed.

This was using a Rambo 1.4 with Dual-Endstop firmware, purchased from V1.

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