I did leave that possibility open. The center extruder mount can be made taller, easily in my CAD and mounting to the ends just requires longer screws.
I did see that printer and wonder why they would mount the rail in that orientation. I chose the weak direction to only have to support the extruder weight, not the insane accelerations. The other thing about that one that strikes me a bit odd is those idlers screws not being supported. Has anyone looked to see if they flex under high loads? The tiniest of supports will easily make those screws 4x more rigid, and there is plenty of room to add a strap from the tops on all of them. Other than that, that printer is seeeeexy!
The shoulder bolts are pretty beefy. A few of the guys did do double shear mounts for them. Ends up being a bar across the Y (same as the stiffener) axis. You couldn’t do it like this with printed parts, but the milled aluminum parts help. Back when Steve and Craig designed this printer 100mm/s was travel speeds. Now a couple of the guys are printing at 1m/s!
Yeah those accelerations multiply the loads seen, at least it is linear. F=ma. It really really makes you take a second look at it all. A lot of those super speed print videos are starting to look a lot like paint shakers.
No z endstops is easy and works great. The only thing about this one is your ending gcode needs to park the z axis at zmax, easy.
I want to see how the leveling grid looks after this print. I want to see if the wires give it that weird lean it had on the previous version at all. I highly doubt it will.
Yup, belted Z. This time also carrying the steppers, Repeat V2? - #30 by vicious1 so it gets to Z max pretty fast if the power is cut.
I keep getting it reversed when I manually move the bed. Zmin/max. I want to move the bed up and I increase the number…nope. grind grind grind.
I got a roll of TPU, have not used it in years. Printed perfectly, it doesn’t seem to like as steep of overhangs as PLA but I might just need to tune my temps. Last time I used TPU it took a lot of testing to get it right, I think the hemera really helps here, over a wades extruder. I got it to hopefully print some feet for the printer.
Neat and tidy! Can controller, and steppers be shielded from enclosure/heated chamber to enable usage at high temps without shortening electronics lifespan?
I am doing little things like putting the idler stand offs on all the parts. I think I am going to release them as is, meaning pretty blocky. So hopefully not too long now.
I do have my first real vacation planned next week so no promises of how much time I will have on this before then, but I am trying.