RAMBo marlin ino problem

I don’t see why I am having so much trouble I’ve deleted and reinstalled Arduino three times I’ve tried versions 1.8.11 1.9 beta and 1.8.10 reinstall u8glib from Arduino and sill the same problem

Did you install the rambo driver library pack from my instructions? Can you screenshot your libraries menu in arduino as well.

Use 1.8.10.

If you get an error you need to scroll up and show us the first one. Nothing matters after that.

A large number of people use these. Including me a few dozen times a day.
We will figure out your issue, just show us teh first error that pops up, turn off verbose.

Also start with a fresh download and unzip it. Clean slate.

ok hear is the libraries and error page at topUploading: Screenshot (4Screenshot%20(5) ).png…

hears the other screen shot

this is first screen shot again the other one doesn’t enlarge

You are double clicking Marlin.ino to launch that and the marlin folder is unzipped? I have never seen atomic whatever mentioned before.

screenshot tools/board?

This file set?

Heck try this one as well, see if either work for you.


That is the full arduino version and not he app correct?

ok the mpcnc Rambo is the one I am trying to use the v1cnc I have also tried and Arduino is full version not app

If you are comfortable trying, the new one is set up for platform.io as well. You can install vscode, then the platform.io extension and the v1cnc version should compile and go no problem.

What version of u8glib do you have installed?

There was another thread with the same errors. I also guessed at that time that it was the wrong u8glib library:

ok downloaded platform.io but it says it doesn’t support ino format only cpp

For that you open the folder that has the .io file in it. Not the file itself you have to open the folder.

So I just double checked. If u8glib is not installed you get the atomix errors. Your screenshot was the exact same as mine without u8glib.

Have a look at the firmware page to install it properly.

ok managed to do it in platform.io with v1cnc it came out with 5 problems but still successful compile it uploaded fine to Rambo I cant test it yet because I am still printing parts just wanted to get firmware stuff out of the way first if I get any problems with firmware because of the 5 problems I will screen shot if I cant sort it. I also tried to reinstall u8glib from GitHub in Arduino still get the same errors so I will leave this for now so for every one who helped me thank you very much

Really sounds like you do not actually have it installed. Check you library folder for proof.

You mean 5 things scrolled by in red, those are not problems. If it compiled and you flashed your board it is fine.

hi ryan thanks for all your help I will keep playing around with Arduino to see if I can figure it out its good to know the 5 things are not problems hopefully all goes well when all hooked up