Yes, that is the correct firmware. V1CNC_Rambo_FualLR.
I’m not sure why you rewired it. Your laser was working correctly. It was the firmware that was not turning your laser on/off.
“You can use extruder 1 fan or other MOSFET output. Then use inverted TTL input on our PLH3D CNC Adapter.”
Your wiring was correct. You don’t want to use Fan 1. The MOSFET on the Rambo board are ground-side switching. Plus, if you use M106/M107 to turn the laser on/off, your results will be poor compared to inline commands.
Again, I believe your wiring was correct. Your laser reacted properly with M42 settings. The issue is that laser support was not enabled in the firmware version you had installed.
after I did the firmware again, the machine stopped responding to the “Home” command. After clicking “Home” an error appears and the machine stops responding to any commands. In order for it to react, it needs to be disconnected and reconnected. I tried to turn on the “HOME during startup” setting when I start it goes in the opposite direction.
I did the tests that are by default in LightBurn. The maximum speed was 10000 mm. It didn’t work out very well. There are suspicions that my power is not set correctly (100% =255). I read on the Internet that if the laser is connected to the place of the spindle, the power is regulated as revolutions. That is, 100% it can be 1000 revolutions. And how about in Rambo? 100%=255? Or in another way?
In order to sort out the “Home” issue, we need a lot of details you do not provide. For example, you are posting your question in the “Lowrider CNC” section. Are you sure you have a Lowrider? If so what version (2 or 3)? What direction are you expecting the machine to move when you “Home?” What error message are you getting? Note that the Lowrider firmware is set to Home Z in the upward direction. The more detail you can provide, the greater chance we can spot the issue.
I did the tests that are by default in LightBurn. The maximum speed was 10000 mm. It didn’t work out very well.
In Lightburn, are you using millimeters per second or millimeters per minute? Note when I was engraving tiles using my Primo, my quality started to drop off around 2000 millimeters per minute, so I would not expect much in the way of quality from 10,000 millimeters per minute.
There are suspicions that my power is not set correctly (100% =255). I read on the Internet that if the laser is connected to the place of the spindle, the power is regulated as revolutions.
If you used the V1 firmware, then I am absolutely sure that 100%==255. There are lots of ways to set up Marlin, but the way Ryan and/or Jeff have the Laser support set up, 255 is 100%. This is a firmware setting and has nothing to do with the Rambo bord specifically.
Your power test image is a mess. This may be a mechanical issue with your machine, and/or you my be trying to drive your machine too fast. Run your power test with feedrates of 600, 900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100 millimeters per minute. If you don’t get clear lettering and clean lines on the squares at these speeds, look for a mechanical issue with your machine. Make sure you have Lightburn setup for inline commands, and not M3/M5 commands.
A strange situation has just happened. I clicked on “Home” and the signals went that in the photo. After 1-2 minutes, the machine went home. I repeated it again, the same thing happened. The machine went home in 1-2 minutes.
If you take a look at the heading for this page, you posted your question in the LowRider CNC section of this forum. Since you posted in the LowRider section, I assumed you had a LowRider and therefore pointed you to the LowRider firmware. For a Primo, you have the wrong firmware. I pointed you to the firmware for the LowRider. The correct firmware for the Primo is V1CNC_Rambo_Dual. Note there is no LR in the title.
Updating to the Primo firmware may fix your movement/quality issues, and also will likely address your Home issues. Please update and let us know the results.
Rewired. The best result at the moment. However, there was one small problem… The machine began to react to the “House”. But even if Z is turned off, the program also moves. I don’t have an end cap installed on Z. It wasn’t included when I bought the board. Were only on X and Y. I think I’ll solve it. I’ll just install the end cap for him. Thank you very much!!! I will experiment.
If you have a display, look at the V1 Custom Menu. There is a menu item for homing just X and Y. As for Z, the Primo is set up to use a touch plate for homing Z. There are many touch plates for sale, and they are easy to make. Here is the one sold by V1.
Note for laser work, homing the Z axis (even using a touch plate) does not make much sense. In fact, for most things, you can just unplug the Z stepper motor. For most laser modules, focusing is done by setting the distance between the laser module housing and the stock.
Here is the g-code for homing just X and Y:
G28 X Y
It can be typed into the console or run from the SD card.
This is not my first machine. About three years ago I made the first MPCNC model for wood milling. The machine worked with the display. It came out quite qualitatively. On the one hand, the display is convenient, works independently, etc. On the other hand, constantly upload to the SD card and then transfer to the display… It happens that the first time I did something wrong all over again. It takes a lot of time…
Below is the work of the first model.
Testing. It turns on at the start and turns off at the end. reacts to power. With this, everything is ok. It remains to learn how to properly prepare a photo for engraving. I have been dealing with 3D models and milling machines for 12 years. But there was no laser yet. Thank you very much!!! Helped a lot!!! If it weren’t for you, most likely Rambo and the laser would have been postponed for an unknown period.
I’m glad your laser is finally working correctly. As for engraving, take a look at the many topics by @dkj4linux. It was his posts that really helped me get engravings I liked. You will find some of my tile tile engravings here.