Config: {
Power: 12v,
X-Rapid: 283mm/s = 17000mm/m = 669"/m,
Y-Rapid: 283mm/s = 17000mm/m = 669"/m,
Z-Rapid: 43mm/s = 2600mm/m = 102"/m,
X-Size: 1200mm,
Y-Size: 600mm,
Current: default,
Steppers: V1E,
Leadscrew: V1E // 4 start
Not even close to performance of Ryan’s LR3 speed test video. My LR3 is wider, so will never match, still, am wondering whether any build/firmware edits would help?
Didn’t test/measure accuracy, or measure driver temps. Just wanted to speed test before changing to 24V power supply.
; Drag Race
M203 X17000 Y17000 Z2600 ; Set Max speeds
G28 Z ; home z
G92 Z80 ; z max = 80 (instead of 200)
G28 X Y ; home xy
M300 S741 P250 ; 3.. 2.. 1..
M300 S0 P750
M300 S741 P270
M300 S0 P750
M300 S1500 P1000
G4 P2500 ; Wait for 3sec beeps, minus ~0.5sec for command latency
G0 Z0 F2600 ; z min
G0 Z80 F2600 ; z max
G0 X1200 F17000 ; x max
G0 X0 F17000 ; x min
G0 Y600 F17000 ; y max
G0 Y0 F17000 ; y min
G0 X1200 Y600 Z0 F17000 ; xy max, z min
G0 X0 Y0 Z80 F17000 ; xy min, z max
Wirelessly controlled via ESP3D on V1E ESP3D/ESP01s. Created a “Drag Race” macro.
Speed testing to non destructive failure helped identify things to tweak, e.g. vac hose should be strain relief supported, and leadscrews/emt benefit from lube.