Problem compiling ramps dual endstop firmware


thank you very much whatever you did to the firmware you sent me it loaded right up in platformio and compiled and flashed the first try

i will finish testing out the firmware tomorrow evening but for now its atleast on my board lol thank you so much for the help

Ok. I took the current V1CNC firmware from the rambo and converted it to the ramps board. It is here, for future reference. This hasnā€™t been tested beyond compilation. Iā€™m also not sure if it will stay up to date. So beware.

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lol as long as it works i dont care lol i am building this to learn and am already planning to make another if all goes well

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ok i finally did some more testing and have my mpcnc up and working completely fine except i can not get the homing to funtion at all. i have searched for the past few days for any way to fix the issue but so far nothing. this is the kit i have for reference if needed. i read a few things about issues with the atmega not reading the endstops correctly when the 5v pin is connect to the endstops so i have removed them and still same issue. everytime i try to home either x or y axis my motors move about 5mm and stop. any other help would be appreciated.

Those endstops are wired backwards from the firmware. You should test their functionality with M119 before trying to home.

You can invert the behavior in Marlin:

I had no problems at all compiling Ramps firmware with dual endstops.
Only requirement was the display library and I have been using it all time on my MPCNC.

LOL there are 100s of ppl with no issues compiling the dual endstop firmware but as my post states me and a few others have come accross an issue where it will not even compile on the arduino ide. so you saying you had no issue compiling does nothing to help this situation. and as stated above and a few other posts the library is installed and makes no difference at all with platform io. so please if your not here to help us figure out what the problem really is please dont comment thank you.

thank you jeff my endstops were in fact backwards lol ill reply later after a lil more testing. thank you for all the great help

I agree it isnā€™t helping you to say itā€™s been compiled. But I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable to think it might be a data point others would be interested in. Itā€™s not the home run of helpful tips, but it certainly doesnā€™t need to be called out like that. Try to keep it fun for everybody, please.


I notice that the Arduino IDE version appears to be 1.8.12? I believe that you need 1.9+ā€¦

Itā€™s probably puking on the #elif pragmasā€¦

Edit: Never mind, went back and read earlier postsā€¦

thank you very much for all of the help everything is up and running perfectly now. except the not compiling issue lol. for some reason im able to compile the firmware you posted and the non dual endstop firmware but everytime i try to compile straight from the git it just hangs and freezes. but atleast with your help with the firmware you posted i am able to use my machine. cant wait for the new design to be released!!

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lol yeah i have tried all versions i have and still same issue with 1.9 beta and earlier versions.

Do I dare type anything or will you be mad?

Endstops should not be connected to + pin.

Use gnd and signal.

How did you connect your microswitch?
Normally open or normally close?

I assume you read the part about setting them up correctly.

Also be careful where you mount your switch so you donā€™t mix them up on the axis.

What readings do you get when you check with g-code command? Opened or closed endstops?

lmao no one mad here at all and yes i have read and re read all of the info on the pages but with all my problems with the compiling i must have over looked it. it just required a inverting them in the firmware jeff had posted. it is currently up and cutting perfectly now. thank you guys for all the help lol

my biggest problem with the endstops was not sending the m119 command as jeff had stated to make sure my endstops were in the correct position

The ā€œstandardā€ way to connect the endstops here is backward from most 3D printers. So when you buy a kit like that with the endstops already soldered into a board, you canā€™t switch from NO to NC. So you have to invert them in the firmware, like you did. The only thing that tripped you up was buying those PCB endstop switches.

@UndCon, Thanks for the help. If you look at the amazon link, youā€™ll see the red endstop boards. If you see someone using those, then they either need to replace those, desolder those and wire them the other way, or change the invert flags in Marlin and reflash. Since Fav had already flashed a few times, I figured that was the easiest way for them.

yes jeff you are correct with the firmware you provided reflashing was the easiest fix and solved my problem very easily thank you again for all the help

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Cool, arenā€™t the endstops working either ways? They are soldered as they would? Both no and nc are connected so I assume you can change them. It is either that or inverting in configuration files as you wrote above.