Problem compiling ramps dual endstop firmware

It does have a 4 pin connector. I don’t own any, but it might be that swapping which pins are connected would reverse their behavior.

I don’t know about this specific one but I looked at similar design on other shops and there was a diagram clearly showing pin 2 and 3 are joined so no “NC or NO” in this case.

Crap design if you ask me and I would desolder the microswitch and use them directly instead. only 2 wires are needed for this operation unless you really like the LED to turn on when the switch is triggered.

well seeing as how im teaching my son to design and use the machine aswell i like to have the indicators to show when the machine is homed. i thought about desoldering them but in this case i think it works out fine.

That is good to hear, I hope he finds it fun and interesting to learn as well.

lol yeah he loves working with it