Ardunio preconfigured files

Where exactly are you getting the firmware from? Can you link it?

Question, do I need to have the end stops wired up prior to flashing the firmware? Should I be using a non endstop file?

You can defer the question of endstops vs. non-endstops until after it’s up and moving. Wired or not, configured or not, shouldn’t stop you from moving and communicating and getting the LCD working.

Is your hardware ramps or mini-rambo? And when you say the steppers moved, is that after you flashed it or was that with the old configuration when it came out of storage?

Troubling that Arduino would shut down your computer. It does take a little while to compile and it might seem dead, but it should finish in at most several minutes.

I was hoping that was the case with the endstop… when it came out of storage it was flashed to 3dprinting. I verified it jogged around. next day I went to flash the current CNC config. and that is when it started shutting down my laptop and hanging. I have the Ramps board. LCD is blue screen and at times it’s picture framed with light blue edges.

That should be fine…

I fear this is one of those windows problems, where uninstalling something somehow changes things…

Is there anything interesting in the console window while it is hanging that you can share?


Never seen that. There is a verbose flag in the settings. Turn that on and see if it tells you anything useful.

Also, the “#include” isn’t in Ryan’s files. Maybe try unzipping it in a new, clean spot and try building it without any changes.

i had the exact same issue when i tried to use the arduino ide and was able to use platformio instead and it compiled and uploaded with no error. so far only the dual endstop firmware is giving me an issue with both the ide and platformio

Scroll back up a bit in the status section (black area under Compiling Sketch) to see if it had anything unusual before hanging.

FYI, Bill, I’ve been trying out some things in Fav’s thread here:

I think these might be the same issue (we haven’t had a mysterious error with that code in months, and now there are two at once?).

You might try this version:

I’m having a work associate try to burn it. I’ll be out of action for a couple days. I’ll still need to figure out what is going on with my laptop. I’ll need to be able to burn it on my own at some point.
Thanks for all of your help.

I just took a machine that didn’t have either the sources or Arduino IDE on it and followed the instructions, added u8glib library and changed board to Mega 2560. I then downloaded the zip for both the standard MPCNC and the Dual Endstops for Mega/RAMPS and extracted the zips to folders on my machine. Both compile, though both are much longer duration compiles than I remember from the last time I flashed my MPCNC (2016, 2015?).

It’s been my experience that Marlin 2.whatever takes a lot longer to compile than previous versions did.

In an ideal world, the processor on your computer should be computing as much as it can, and letting the 8bit mega just read the answers. I think they have been playing a lot of those tricks recently, to get the speed up.

My buddy was able to burn the mega using a windows 7 machine and Ardunio 1.8.9??. Not 1.8.12. Now to take it home and see if it will run my ramps board. It just dawned on me that I will still need to be able to burn to it when I start adding in endstops and z probe.

not sure what changed for arduino but I can connect to it and upload as needed. I was able to figure out via different forums that my baud rate was not set correctly.
Thanks for everyone’s help and suggestions. do i need to mark this closed in some way?

Nope. Don’t worry about it. Glad it’s working for you.

Did you end up using the V1CNC_ version I posted, or the MPCNC_ version?

the MPCNC. next is understanding end stops, home, touchplate, and limit switches. I will be doing multiple cutter heads in a single job and want to maximize on the ability to home and use a touch plate.