New MK4 is out!

So I arrived home, needed to print something, updated Prusa Slicer, sent the file to the printer and thought to myself “I am really out of touch - there’s no way that should take 5hrs 50 minutes”, shrugged my shoulders and went about my day.

Then, just before I went to press “go” on the second copy, I noticed that I’d used the original printer profile in my blurriness, so changed to Input Shaper - 1 hr 20 minutes!!

The second print is also perfect, but slightly less glossy than the first, can’t wait for the S update to arrive! (I ordered it last week with a 13-14 week lead time and now it’s down to 8-12!)

Mid November will be about when I’m home and ready to assemble!

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I ordered so much earlier than you and mine is also to arrive somewhere in early November. Boo! :smiley:

I wonder if it’s one of those deals where half a million high flow nozzles arrive on the same day, (or fans) so that’s out of Prusa’s control in a sense? It seems like a really rapid reduction in lead time…

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Looks exactly the same. :smiley: I don’t want a new website, I want the stupid 0.6mm MMU profiles…

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None of the link buttons work on the phone, and unless something has changed with this version, the feedback button isn’t visible in Safari anyway!

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I think it might be this:

MK4 to MK4S upgrade

The current lead time is 9-10 weeks for versions with newer xLCD.

I have the new version after the old one threw those errors in the beginning (see somewhere above)… Boo! :smiley:

/MK4S upgrade for versions with old xLCD
/5 weeks

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Week 34 starts August 19, 2024 From week 40 (starts September 30, 2024)

Hmm, this was also moved up. Nice. More than a months.

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:partying_face: :tada:


Hmprf… I’m trying hard to resist ordering the S upgrade with the MMU3. Please convince me that I don’t need them!

You may as well get it at the same time! Save on shipping!!!


You need it for @bitingmidge’s new models. :smiley: You don’t think he would not immediately make use of those 60° overhangs? :stuck_out_tongue:



Hype! :smiley:



How it’s going - Everyone hates this step… I was like: “Let’s see whether I am stupid…” No, not me. Stupid screws… :stuck_out_tongue:

I also don’t dig those injection molded parts. Takes away part of the charme of a Prusa Printer.

/edit 2: Bonker’s Benchy is ooooooooon. Let’s see how that goes. :smiley:

/edit 3: Faster than Lucky Luke…

Not flawless and a lot of “cheating”. It’s basically hollow and the deck is printed with the new cooling right into the air with a zigzag. And why? Because it can… :smiley:


What times did you do?

8 minutes (this does not include filament loading etc. of the MMU).


Not bad!

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I think it’s time for a 20 day review! Mine looks like arriving mid November so about a week after I get home! :sunglasses:


I’m about to order the S upgrade and the MMU3. I read somewhere that there was a kit with MMU3 and S upgrade, but I can’t find it. Is this a mistake in their text, or am I looking in the wrong places - @Tokoloshe ?

I think you can only get them in a bundle with a new printer, otherwise you have to order both.
Be warned though: The MMU does not officially support 0.6mm nozzles yet (after more than a year and has supported it for the MK3.5 for ages…) and the MMU does not support HF nozzles. You can just print single colour with a HF nozzle or a 0.6mm nozzle though and even use the MMU, but it uses more filament on changes. But only 0.4! :stuck_out_tongue:


I know… I’m a little confused honestly. I want both the S and the MMU3… what should I do…?