My Logo and size letters on the part files. Feedback

The biggest hurdle that seems to be left is the corner. So a quick look at the past…

And now revisit the sketchbook…and jump in to CAD and try to make a new one. (heard somewhere there was only one way to make a corner and my current idea was not unique…)

I printed yet another revision of the center and I see it needs a tiny bit of work even without testing it, but I have yet to see if I solved the one major issue I was having. (in my attempt to solve one I created a tiny new issue easily fix-able)

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One little idea for the corners, maybe allow the leg to pass through and up out the top vertically. This makes it possible to easily change height. An alternative to a drop table or propping up the workpiece, so it is that much easier to build small (short) and increase height if necessary.

This was mandatory for my double-decker, you are free to copy or derive from that

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I like that, it is stronger, but it increases the foot print. The new belt path makes that a little difficult. Sketching furiously to come up with something.

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I have something super basic, moving to CAD to see if it actually works.

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Well…we have a big maybe. It looks promising, like really promising. Just a rough guess is it would add 4" to the footprint, and each outer rail. Doesn’t seem like much but…that is not something I prefer to do, but it might be worth it for a few reasons yet to be revealed…(whispers)“magic”

Heffe’s little one taught me that and it will now be my stock answer to all questions.

Maybe I could make two versions, It would work either way…I think


In my work area size does not matter till the wife shows up so go for it!!! I like magic

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I think people will say things like “It needs to be 40” wide to cut a 24" board!? When most of us have plenty of space. Some do not though, so it is a real concern.

I wonder if I have a video of her saying it… It’s pretty great.


I’m for certain more than willing to reorganize my little chicken coop-work room if the result is magical!

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That’s it… I’m replacing your logos with MLP silhouettes…



OK. How do we make that IRL?

The toughest part is finding a horse and a narwhal who are both open-minded enough… The rest can be handled by any decent hairdresser.


I should have clarified. I meant a toy one. But big enough to ride around at MRRF.

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From what I hear, horses and donkeys are fairly open minded in some other countries. Not sure about narwhals.

Your hairdresser comment reminds me of a friend at the last job that had a serious mohawk. His nickname was cubicle shark. We spray painted the companies logo into his hair and sent him to one of the conventions that year. Company had record sales the following month.


Ridden by who?

Couldn’t you have skipped a few steps there?

3d print the male mold. Cast the male mold in plaster. Then use a blow torch to heat the cast so that the 3d printed plastic melts and falls out the bottom?

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Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon, of course!

Or maybe just Spike… :wink:

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So the new style corner…not as good as the old style, so nothing fancy to report on that front. Same with the feet, just did a little refresh on them. Main center gantry issue seems to be working well all issues seem solved, I will be printing one more this evening to verify.

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