MRRF 2019

Cool, I get in super late Thursday night, then a trip to the toy store (Menard’s) in the morning. I am guessing I will be there about the same time-ish???


Got one, thanks!




I’m driving out Friday morning, so noonish for me as well. Staying up in Elkhart, hotel was half the price as any in Goshin.


Driving the truck, so if you need anything let me know.


You made it (or at least your MPCNC did). See you tomorrow.

[attachment file=94936]

Cool! It finished! We were at the seeme open house.

I was there too, where were you?[attachment file=“MPCNC at MRRF2019.jpg”]

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We were around all day Sat, there were a couple trips around to see other stuff, and a hotel trip to get some tylenol. I still can’t talk very well today!

Now for some pics of cool stuff I saw.

180 of the main building from our table. You can see Ryan’s hat about 1/3d in.

Google Photos

Hard to believe this is what 3d printers started out looking like!

[attachment file=95196]

Concrete printer!

[attachment file=95198]

Giant flexy rex!

[attachment file=95199]

The “Udder 1” 3d printer using a milk crate as the frame!

[attachment file=95197]

Custom nerf guns! This one can push a nerf dart at a little over 200fps!

[attachment file=95195]

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Barry your pictures are half missing, I wanna see what I missed!

What up Frosty sorry we didn’t get to talk long I think I met you right before the hotel trip for aspirin.


[attachment file=95179]

This is what if really looks like most of the time, like a fish swimming up stream.

[attachment file=95180]

And the next building.

[attachment file=95181]
I really like being on this poster!


Friday was nuts, I got there right at “setup time” and it was already 80% full that was a fun time to slowly setup and it was already madness. Saturday was a crazy day absolutely packed and a bit overwhelming for me really. I think we were all there from 8am to past 9 or 10pm (gets kinda fuzzy at the end). Sunday is slightly more relaxed, people have a bit more time, and there are a lot of good conversations going on.

I got a chance to really chop it up with the Scienci guys, they had a great recommendation for CAM software They are working on and it looks like it might be a great solution, CAMlab, I need to get in and kick the tires. They are in the middle of another successful kickstarter and it sounds like they are primed for success.

It is an extremely amazing event, you get out of it what you put in. I never get to see it all, or talk to many of the other tables but Barry and I took a good walk around late Saturday and got to get up close and look at a bunch of the tables without the crowd.

I ran another ISO view drawing with the same 0.3mm pen from last year and I ended up running it at 100mm/s feed and rapids on Sunday. Most of the lines a tiny and never speed up but some of the longer ones zipped a long. When I unpack I will post the Gcode.

Ron and Barry thank you both so much for fielding most of the questions, I would not want to be there without you guys supporting me, best crew ever!

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No worries Ryan, it was great to chat for a bit. What did you think of the other EMT printers that were on display in the corner where we talked [1]? I have vague plans to build a Piper2 (CoreXY) some day. We’ll see if I get around to it.

I hope I can make it back next year. The boys really enjoyed it.


[1] Piper 1&2 by Alex Balako and the giant, yet-unnamed, deltas that were next to him.


Put up some pictures so everyone can see those monsters!

[quote="vicious1,post:37,topic:9232"] Put up some pictures so everyone can see those monsters!


I only took detail shots, nothing to give some scale, but I borrowed this from the Piper builder's Facebook group:

[attachment file=95228]

You can see the piper2 coreXY in the foreground and the smaller of the two deltas being set up in the background. That one uses 1m leadscews to drive the sliders and the other (which wasn’t set up yet when this pic was taken) was even taller I think, and was belt driven.

Monsters! So cool, thank you.

My first thought is “The venue is too small”. :slight_smile:

Yes, extremely so. It sucks to have a conversation continually interrupted by people trying to push past, and rarely leaving the table because it takes to long to get to the other end of the building. On top of that sponsors are supposed to get a full table along the wall (a little more personal space), and that didn’t happen for most of us.

They are teasing 3-4x the space for next year in April (better month for me at least)! Hopefully a little better schedule as well.

Didn’t find you on the video, may be i missed something

Tom’s racist.? If you watch he blows past any core xy printer(except e3d toolchanger). He skipped the whole isle we were in by going through the concession hallway. Project R3d was across the isle from us and had 3 tables.

I liked Tom’s video with Prusa from MRRF - was good to see him give Jo just as hard of a time as he gave other vendors even though they were paying for his trip :wink: I almost felt sorry for the Sienci guys during his interview with them - he didn’t make it easy for them at all. But that CAMLab did sound interesting and worth checking out.


So much cool stuff! Seriously awesome pics, just seeing those out of context is motivational!

Just saw an MRRF video with a giant string printer using mpcnc carriages, which he acknowledged, looked super cool, used marbles as counterweights. Maybe one day I’ll make it out there, maybe when tickets don’t cost 4 figures.