Mpcnc primo - orientation, endstops and mirrored project

Hello everyone,
with your help i managed to get my primo moving and homing.

From what i saw here it appears that my core is in the right position, endstops as well. Would need your confirmation here as a first step.
I tried a simple test run with pen and now with router - so i can see the clearences- and is well except the fact that my project is being carved mirrored. Is there something i am missing? Should i change the “0” point on the estcam project?

I think you are in the wrong corner (but it depends on where you are looking from). Your markings on the table are wrong. You should be homing to the left hand corner nearest your viewpoint and then both X any Y would be moving in positive territory - In quarter 1 in this diagram.

Once you have this all your commanded moves will be positive and you will not end up with a mirrored object…

If you turn your table 90 degrees clockwise and swap your X and Y legends you will be about there. If a movement direction is then wrong you can reverse your motor wiring plug. you may then need to set your firmware to home to -x and -y… I think that will be it.

Estlcam origin should be in the lower left corner.

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fixed it.
reversed the x axis and repositioned the endstops.
now i have x- and y- in lower left corner.